Italy In Bocca is one of the world’s rarest, funkiest, weirdest cardboard bound cookbooks so we were super excited to try our hand at cooking 4 dishes from them, and this was the final product. It was the night before quarantine and NYC was about to lock down, so we invited over a few good friends to keep us legit. We were really interested to hear what they thought of the dishes, everyone being from a different cultural background, but all lovers of good food.
In the end we realized that while all the dishes were great, they were all really simple to make, and even two non chefs could do right by these wild cookbooks. The true pleasure was sharing this meal with our good friends, looking for more then just a perfect bite, but a connection to each other and a country we love to celebrate.
We hope you like the series In Bocca, we shot it the very day before the quarantine and edited it during the shut down. It was made out of love for food, for these books, and for the country that has inspired and given us so much, Italy. Hopefully they will recover soon from this horrible pandemic, and if you would like to help or find out more about the project and what we’re all about, then hop over to:
Thanks for watching and sharing, and taking a trip with us, “in bocca”! Ciao!
#inbocca #italiancooking #cooking