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Swedish style Doner kebab pizza

Swedish style Doner kebab pizza

by broadarrow39


  1. broadarrow39

    Been meaning to make one of these for a while so glad to finally tick it off. Would have probably appreciated it more after about 6 pints but it was tasty.

    Could have probably done with a bit more Doner meat on the top and also without my stupid oven turning itself down half way through cooking without me noticing.

  2. Not Döner .. As someone from Sweden i appreciate that it is one, but according to the bonafide Turks of the world Döner is never served with sauce, it’s dry .. So this is an abomination! I also think the slabs of meat has to be bigger, and they must only face one way.. So whuiile the composition is the same, taste is the same.. Döner is becoming name-protected, so and it’s due to Swedes and Germans bastardizing it (lol).. This is just kebab =) But it’s a beauty to be sure.

  3. I am curious what your sauce is though? Some yoghurt mix?

  4. Legal-Log8322

    What a string of words, and what a pizza!

  5. You have my fat American seal of approval. I would eat this.

  6. supercosmidelic1

    sauce on the side for me, otherwise too reminiscent of Bite the Biscuit game

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