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Epcot’s Italy Pavilion, Including a meal at Tutto Italia

Today we check out the Italy Pavilion in Epcot’s World Showcase. There are several shops, and lots of places to get a great treat like pizza or gelato, and plenty of great Italian wines and beverages. Italy is also home to a Wine Cellar lounge and a couple sit down restaurants: Via Napoli, specializing in wood fired pizzas or the fine dining experience of Tutto Italia, which we experience here in this video. So come along for a taste of Italy!

bonjourno and welcome to Italy at Epcot I’m Jim from nice work pal and behind the camera as always the Beautiful Dawn say hello dawn hello Dawn we’re going to check out the Italy Pavilion there’s a lot of great food and drink in there and a few gifts no rides sorry but let’s go check it out let’s go I don’t think I’ve ever been in here before I don’t think I’ve ever been in here kind of a cool gift shop they have some really nice stuff in here which country do you think has the best merch oh I don’t know I like I like a lot I liked it Germany and France yeah I liked it all that’s a cool seating area in here a this is a nice little quiet spot right between main Italy and the gelato stand it’s a nice place to sit relax and think about which channel you should subscribe to next I’m thinking nice workout this is the gelato stand Jalia Tuscana Don do you like gelato yeah I like it I like it galot oh look it is a drink cart look at that it looks like it’s mostly wines the lemon cello sper looks like it would be nice and refreshing that does sound good yeah now I’m a little disappointed that it’s 90% wine and only a little beer but they have beer they do a little beer is better than no beer that is right how do you suppose you say that an antisa an Castello Ana Castello I don’t know other languages hate me but there’s more alcohol in there yeah there’s a little bar in here it’s kind of cool it’s [Music] cute really pretty all right this 83t Bell Tower uh here in Italy is a replica of the original campanille in St Mark Square uh for a minute I thought it was the real one brought over here but nope sorry do you have a nice stage in the center there’s always something going on there’s nothing going on today but of course not but yes I have seen people come out and perform out on this little round uh not recently not that I can recall all the way in the back is violi we’ve eaten there before so vien Napoli is the the place to get pizza in Disney World in my opinion it is the fancy Pizza uh but today said yeah cuz the pizza window is open and guess what I have been coming here for what like 30 years mhm and that pizza window has never been open never but I hear it’s going to be open all summer y so we might have to stop by for a slice even though we have meal plans y so I mentioned viapol is a great place to get a pizza it’s also kind of an economical deal uh the thing is is you’re going to win it the pizza price but when you look at a big pizza that feeds your family uh it ends up costing less than a lot of other sit down meals and it’s really nice it’s a large pizza it is a really big pizza it’s fancy it’s delicious we’ve been there before might even be able to throw a a picture in or a clip uh if we do here it is if not thanks for sticking with me now we famously ate here last time on the last stop of our drinking around the world tour you remember that Dawn I do it was so much fun yeah and it was great cuz we ended with some pizza and some really cool drinks they had great drinks here too they did oh yeah that’s right so be anapoli check out the video uh you’ll see all the good drinks around the world and you’ll see us send in Via Napoli for some good pizza I think it’s time for some lunch it is time for some lunch tudo Italia is the centerpiece fine dining location here in Italy and I’m perfectly fine with it let’s go let’s go check it out in all seriousness tudo Italia is a very nice looking restaurant on the inside would you not agree very fancy it’s very fancy looking Italian like just warm it’s got a very warm atmosphere to it which is good that it’s just a warm feeling in the actually warm cuz it’s very hot outside it’s very nice to be indoors here it’s very hot but this is a beautiful beautiful restaurant the lemon cello flight has arrived it’s made with real lemons M there’s three different flavors that one you’re going to take a drink out of it’s just straight up lemon cello it’s very good okay that is strong I was I was expecting bigger drinks and then like wait a minute if those drinks are small they’re going to be strong it’s it’s just alcohol it is really good though it’s so so lemony all right the second one is what this is the cream one that is the Lemon cello cream it is so good it’s even better than the regular that’s smooth so Smo sweet and smooth like sweet cream like with a little lemon flavor that is really good so good yeah the last one is pistachio right it is the Lemon cello pistachio I think that one’s my favorite but I really love pistachio wow now I here’s what I found about is pistachio I like pistachio flavor but not pistachios what is that I’m not sure it’s the sweetness pistachio has got really sweet delicious flavor put ice cube in that and I’ll drink it I I think I agree I think it’s one two three this one being the best it’s so good the menu here looks very Italian somewhat expected but also very comprehensive and very delicious looking I’m kind of surprised actually I’m pleasantly surprised at the menu I think it looks great they have some great starters here that include salads and calamari but they also have a Pudo Department that I really want to try I think that sounds really good yep I think that’s what we’re going to try and if pasta is your thing they’ve got it fetuccini lasagna spaghetti uh Noki that’s the one I think I’m going to get the noi yep you know that’s the best one yep bunch of other things too spaghetti uh I think I’m going to get the ve F Parmesan it’s the chicken par that looks like the the classic Italian dish for me the cocktails here the list is really long there’s bellinis and Italian margaritas and of course we opted for the lemon cello uh just had to get something very Italian you know just sounded absolutely light refreshing they have some beers too but honestly I only saw like one Italian beer on there maybe two but nothing too exciting so the Pudo department is is good uh we’re not going to fill up on this it’s kind of small but it’s uh got a good good salty flavor to it and the the melon pairs very well of it the rolls are very crispy on the outside they sound very crispy they’re very crispy I think they’re going to need a little little oil to loosen them up they give us a little bit of oil with some balsamic it looks amazing it does look good the balsamic is delicious the bread as expected very crusty but it’s good I am very excited about this chicken par clearly been pounded very flat it is nice and crispy on the outside so it’s um a breaded chicken breast mozzarella parmesan fresh spaghetti and tomato SA sauce it is fantastic and they sprinkled it with a little bit of Parmesan that’s going to be one of the best chicken FMS I’ve ever had I think so wow that is good so good this is the noi Santina it’s potato dumplings roasted tomatoes pomodoro sauce and Vera cheese it’s so good it’s very good I got a tomato with that it was it was delightful I really like [Music] so I got a beer in Italy I know it’s blasphemy right but this is like only available here in Italy it’s the only place in America I think is what our waitress told us and that and it’s hard to choke beer I know you’ve never had that I’ve never had that but we’re going to try it I always said I never met a beer I didn’t like we’ll see see it looks nice and refreshing it’s good folks we’re good it’s good although honestly I’m not really sure what art a choke and a beer is supposed to taste like but it’s just a good beer so lunch was fantastic it was really good it lived up to the name fine dining it was really fancy I liked my drinks I liked my food uh I’m going to complain about anything my appetizer was really small thank you so much it was small that was my favorite other than that everything was great the chicken parm oh the the chispy bread in the the chicken piece was even though it was thin was so big and came with some spaghetti that was great and your noi was fantastic I think I like the the pistachio lemon cello the best that was really good and I’m not a drinker so yeah it was it was really a delicious Trio of drinks but that one was the best and my artichoke beer well that was a little bit of a novelty I suppose but at least I had my vegetables so I learned that the statue is Neptune oh and it is not a replica of anything it’s just uh Italian inspired it’s Neptune and his friends Burton Ernie the the fish excellent it’s so pretty it really is you know what this place needs needs a ride it does it really does that being said there are some more things to check out here’s a gift [Music] shop I don’t think I’ve ever been in here before but it’s history it’s very pretty this is the wine sver they have a few very generic beers on to but they’ve got lots and lots of wine and of course there’s lots of seeding in here because you’re going sit down and uh get some bit Ste with with this it’s a nice little place if you’re if you’re a wine fan so that’s our tour of Italy at Epcot there’s a lot of great things here there’s a lot of nice shops there’s a lot of great food and drinks here it’s a nice stop it’s very fancy I liked it a lot I really liked our lunch at tudo Italia it was fantastic I’m so full yeah I am too um I’ll say this it was uh it was fine dining it had a fine dining price tag our our our lunch was you know with with drinks and appetizers over $100 but the quality of the food F was fantastic it was a really nice meal um I liked Italy I am totally coming back to try that pizza window absolutely so uh we’ll have to come back and we’ll have to take you along with us that’ll do it for today Don how’ I do nice work pal [Music] all right now that the video is over I’m going to get in my boat and roll back to the United States yeah let’s go got to burn off that lunch you know when I’m on it’s rolling I’m on you’re supposed to tell me when I’m on you’re on it’s so hot I want to jump in there I’m pretty sure this Italian statue is the inspiration for the cat and the hat in Thing One and Thing Two I’m pretty sure my first phone was in Yi probably probably [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music]


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