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Is the Best Smash Burger in NYC found at a Gas Station? Eating at Smacking Burger

I eat at and review Smacking Burger, which is located inside the Mobil gas station in the West Village of New York City. The restaurant’s location may be very unique and unusual, but Smacking Burger may just serve some of the best smashburgers in the city. Finally, I went for gelato at Gelateria Gentile.


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New York City is home to many great burger restaurants but could the city’s best Smash Burgers be located in a gas station of all places smacking Burger is housed inside one of Manhattan’s last gas stations and they’re serving some fine looking Burgers I just had to give the place a [Music] try [Music] M today it’s a hot sunny day here in New York City right now I’m along the Hudson River at Manhattan’s only Beach believe it or not but I’d like to talk about my lunch I had earlier today at a very unexpected spot I went to a burger restaurant that’s located in a gas station of all places it’s called smacking burger and it left me pretty impressed now when the restaurant first opened it got a ton of press I mean it is really unique it’s a burger restaurant in a gas station and there are not a lot of gas stations in Manhattan actually I was definitely intrigued I love unique places and I love Burgers although it’s not as strange as it sounds I’ve recently been reading George moz’s hamburger America book which is a very good book by the way but he mentions a ton of burger spots in very unique and interesting places in fact a while ago and this was when I was just a mere tourist coming to New York City I once went to a doughnut shop that was located in a car wash it was actually really good I loved it but unfortunately that place closed a while ago although the sign is actually still up the moral of the story is you can’t judge a book by its cover because deliciousness can be found in the most unexpected places in New York City and Beyond so this was my lunch at smacking Burger the burger restaurant in a gas station smack and burer is located inside the West Village mobile gas station while burger restaurants are a dime a dozen in New York City Manhattan gas stations are not and are rapidly disappear appearing in fact the West Village mobile is the last standing gas station in lower Manhattan in a way smacking Burger makes a lot of sense New York City is expensive and if you got the space why not make some money out of it behind me is the humble gas station with a burger restaurant seeing it kind of makes me happy that I do not have a car gas is expensive but I love Burgers let’s go to lunch smacking Burger is situated in a small Corner inside the mobile shop the menu is pretty straightforward with a modest list of Creations but one can also customize their burger with a variety of condiments after placing my order I went outside to wait for my food so I just ordered I got a seat outside here they’ve got some picnic tables set up and I got a lovely view of the gas station pumps yeah can’t complain about this atmosphere plus there’s the wonderful Aroma of gasoline this is pretty nice in all seriousness smacking Burger obviously doesn’t have the Elegance of a fine dining restaurant but it really has all one could need the picnic tables do the job there’s music playing over speakers and seeing the high prices customers have to pay for gas maybe once again feel pretty great about not having a car I didn’t have to wait long before I was presented with my lunch my order just came and it is looking good I got two different Burgers as well as fries and it all looked pretty damn good I first tried the Oklahoma Burger which consisted of two smashed petties caramelized onions American cheese and a homemade horse reddish sauce and a plain Martin’s potato bun M that was good this is a solid Burger this is really good frankly I wasn’t expecting the burger to be as great as it was now I thought that I would be having a good meal but both of my Smash Burgers were really top tier the patties aren’t the largest they each weigh 2.75 ounces each so you’re going to want to get a double I was also surprised with just how good the quality of the beef was smacking Burger utilizes Prime Angus beef and the flavor was apparent on both of my Burgers even under all the various toppings perhaps my favorite aspect about smacking Burger is that they prepare their burgers in the manner of an Oklahoma fried onion burger that style of burger has really grown in popularity in New York City with restaurants like George moz’s hamburger America and Gotham Burger Social Club each offering their their own versions of the Oklahoma fried onion [Music] burger we ring these onions in here they really add a lot to the burger and it’s so cheesy in the best way I mean I love cheese this is so good one of the most interesting toppings on smacking Burger Oklahoma creation was the horseradish sauce and I loved it now Hors reddish can be a divisive condiment but in the case of the Oklahoma Burger it will worked perfectly it wasn’t as strong as some horseraddish sauces but it was pretty nicely balanced with everything the other Burger I ordered was called the all the way it consisted of two smash patties bacon caramelized onions pickles a tomato lettuce and is topped with the restaurant’s signature smack sauce on a Martin’s sesame seed bun [Music] this is really good [Music] too damn I’m loving this just like the Oklahoma Burger I was pretty damn impressed out of the two burgers I ordered the all the way was definitely the more substantial one of the pair I liked all the topings bacon is pretty much always good and the smack sauce gave a nice flavor profile to the Burger the special sauce on this burger is nice it’s definitely on the sweeter side the sweetness of the sauce helped balance all the Savory components out but it also made for a somewhat messy eating experience this burger is uh pretty messy but it’s always worth it in the end thankfully the burgers maintain their structural Integrity from start to finish as a result of the two different Martin’s buns the Buns on both the burgers they work they’re nice and Squishy they kind of hold everything together I mean it is messy both of them but they work simply put both burgers were excellent they had great flavor were nice and juicy and were supremely satisfying while I was feasting in my two burgers I also enjoyed a side of fries solid fries nice flavor decently salted good texture the fries definitely hit the mark smacking Burger makes their fries from fresh potatoes with the skin on they also give a pretty generous portion for the price costing only $33.50 I thought that was a hell of a deal between my Burgers and Fries I was enjoying an incredibly satisfying lunch frankly I just never expected that I would be eating that well from a gas station but that’s the thing great culinary experiences can be found in a number of places you don’t always have to have the fanciest silverware or meticulously crafted plates of food sometimes all you really need is a picnic table a burger and a side of fries what I found that smacking Burger was a great culinary [Music] experience all done that really hit the spot I am full but that was really good my launch sent me back $25.56 which unlike the gas was a pretty good deal so I thought it was full but my sweet tooth is calling and ice cream sounds pretty good right now I just remembered that the Portland based ice cream chain of salt and straw is opening their first first New York City location which isn’t too far from here I’m not sure if it’s officially open yet but I think it’s worth checking out while I was certainly satisfied for my burger and fries I thought that having something cool and sweet would be the perfect way to cap off my lunch unfortunately salt and straw still hadn’t opened so salt and straw wasn’t open yet unfortunately I wasn’t too optimistic about that one but I at least have another possible place for ice cream I went to genti gilati a gelato Shop with a long history dating all the way back to 1880 in Italy so I just got my gelato I got the Almond gold flavor looks pretty good there’s even a mini ice cream cone in there which is quite the nice [Music] touch my gelato was solid it had good flavor and a nice consistency it was definitely an enjoyable dessert to have after my Burgers ah that hit the SP out there it’s very tasty very refreshing I really enjoyed it that was also pretty expensive too that was over 8 bucks York is crazy costly thankfully at least I am now full without a doubt those were the two best burgers I’ve ever had from a gas station although those are the only two burgers I believe I’ve ever had from a gas station but they were pretty damn good now before going to smacking Burger I was thinking this place is getting the hype mainly for the fact that it’s located in gas station and the burgers are going to be good but nothing special I was wrong those burgers are worth seeking out honestly I think those were among the best Smash Burgers that I’ve actually ever had in New York City I just love the whole place it was affordable the food was delicious and it was super unique not to mention that gelato was a nice dessert it really just completed the meal for me in summation this has been a great start to the afternoon for me and I think smacking Burger extends far beyond the novelty of it being located in a gas station they serve some Fine Burgers and I will definitely be back [Music]


  1. Your videos have so much professionalism – I hope you’re able to monetize your endeavor so much you can do this full-time, if that’s your aim.

  2. Interesting! This wouldn’t be my choice for a venue but I do like a good smash burger! Mostly I eat heathy! Cheers!

  3. across the nation, some gas stations have some hidden gems as it relates to food ! good stuff, James .

  4. it tastes better cuz you go in expecting the worst… if that was served at a high end steakhouse it'd be just meh.

  5. 1:20: James, what do you mean by saying you were a mere “Taurus?” I don’t understand. Is your star sign? Keep up the great work.

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