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The main home we are featuring is actually TWO HOMES with over 32,000 square feet of land, amazing views, multiple terraces, balconies and just a few steps to town. We love this area and found FOUR One-Minute Wanders in Piedmont, two in the center and two on the Tanaro river. Remember to subscribe so you don’t miss future stunning Italian properties for sale.

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🔗 €150k ≈ $162k Main property link:

🔗 €73k ≈ $78k One-Minute Wander 1:

🔗 €89k ≈ $95k One-Minute Wander 2:

🔗 €34k ≈ $36k One-Minute Wander 3:

🔗 €25k ≈ $26k One-Minute Wander 4:

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🇮🇹We share beautiful Italian homes for sale every Friday at 6p ET.🇮🇹 Welcome! We are Jaime & Biaggio, a married couple of over 18 years whose dream is to move to ITALY, enjoy some vino, and live in a charming Italian town. Both of us are Italian-Americans and we are working on our dual citizenship, as well as patiently learning the language😉 Join us EVERY FRIDAY AT 6PM ET where we bring you a fun, informative video that shares all of our research on amazing houses for sale in Italy and the surrounding areas. See you soon! Salute!!✨🍷

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Ormea Photo Credit
By Jk4u59 – Own work, Public Domain,

Imperia Photo Credit
By Feel free to use my photos, but please mention me as the author and if you want send me a message. or ( – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 at,

Ceva Photo Credit
Marco Plassio, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Train Station Photo Credit
Arbenganese, CC BY-SA 4.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

#wanderingwithwine #italianproperty #piedmont #piemonte #italy #italianhomeforsale #italyrealestate #housesforsaleinitaly #homesforsaleinitaly #homestobuyinitaly #retireinitaly

if you have been searching for an Italian home in a town that looks like this then you are in the right place and not only are you in that beautiful town but this is your view what welcome to wandering with wine where we scour the internet for you hundreds of homes a week we bring you the best of the best okay here we go this is the house and surprise what’s the surprise babe it’s not one house it’s two houses let’s get into [Music] it we are in Ormea in Piedmont €50,000 161,000 us furnished furnished furnished furnished the main property this week is four bedrooms three bathrooms over 2500 square feet two Terraces three balconies a giant garden with fruit trees by the way yep um and a courtyard you know I think I can squeeze another Terrace out of that you tell me if you see more than two Terraces AKA happy hour Towers wait till you see this and where is this beautiful property located so close to France so close to Switzerland Northern Italy in this gorgeous Town look at those mountains I mean this cute little town nestled in the Valley of the mountains I’m going to say Valley of the mountains I like that you know I’m pretty sure that that your backyard is one of these mountains it is and how do you get here there are two airports you can use Genoa hour 40ish minutes away or Turin hour 40ish minutes away as well perfect and then trains so many trains in this area the closest one there are two stations about 37 minutes away from the property mhm there are two train stations about 30 minutes away from this property the first one sale delle langhe let’s take a look at these routes so okay ready pick your route here we go I got it 1 2 3 4 Paris I don’t know what Four’s music one two three okay I was going to say pars to like a Waltz is that what you’re doing one two three 4 one no a a Waltz is one two three but rock music is one two 3 four so ready so what in in a count of six what Route 1 2 3 4 5 6 Paris and then here is the second train station that is also about 30ish minutes away Ceva and where are you going or you ready yep what’s account three okay go ahead a Waltz go ahead one two three Bologna Nice I wasn’t going to pick France again that’s all right I almost did nice work we got one out of two pretty good I don’t know I feel like the first one was kind of a fake because you did counted to four and I said Paris I I’m on my word it was Paris we don’t lie to you guys never you may think there are no trains in Ormea well there’s actually a historic train that goes from Ormea to Turin or Ceva great and Ceva is where all of those locations are that we showed previously so you can take the historic train to Ceva to then go to multiple places and I learned something very interesting about this train if you want to ride this train if you want to ride this train I do you need to have a St Bernard with you look at that cute guy right there right I’m going to name him Cujo and you’re going to name him I know um you have to pick a name in one two 3 go I’m going to name him Gibson because one of our friends has had multiple St Bernards are the sweetest babies ever and Gibson was one of his pups Gibson love you bro there are multiple bus stops in this town they can take you to those two train stations that are 30 minutes away or anywhere else you want to go yep we did Planes Trains buses now automobiles for our road trips so we have Garessio about 15 minutes away with almost 3,000 residents cool you also have Ceva over 5,000 residents you’re going to have some amenities there for sure you know it’s 30 minutes away that’s great yep you have Cuneo about 56,000 residents it’s just about an hour away but that means tons and tons of amenities that’s right and you have Imperia okay also a lot of people there 42,000 it’s less than an hour away so even though you’re in this small town it’s not that small actually you have a lot you’ll see the amenities we’re going to show them to you coming up here um but you have a lot of big cities with a lot of amenities really close by mhm here’s a quick look at Ceva where that train station is gorgeous oh yeah and Imperia okay this is this is I’m just going to say yes yes yes and yes bring me there uh salute cuz I would like a sip of wine it’s been a little while here I can drink wine in this town before we get into the property we have to thank our Channel supporters absolutely Blair and Mairi or Mary I asked you the proper pronunciation I didn’t hear back so I hope I’m not messing it up she gets concerned with these things I I everyone pronounces my name incorrectly they think it’s Himay because of the way that it’s spelled or some other strange version of Jaime just Jaime Jaime so I’m sorry if I said it wrong but Cheryl R thank you guys for the coffee so sweet and then William R thank you for becoming a patron we are so appreciative for all of you everything you guys do here for us helps us continue to do these videos so really appreciate it that reminds me if you’re enjoying these videos please like And subscribe it really helps us out let’s knock out a few quick need to knows before we get into the main property and by the way give me a kiss on cheek thank you we not only have one two three one minute wanders we have four one minute wanders and four is not account count for Waltz it’s account for rock I’ll never forget that there is a hospital 16 minutes away from the property and actually look at this there’s a good amount throughout the area yep so doctor 16 minutes away or there is one in town if you know my beautiful wife Jaimewife here um she’s always looking for a tooth tooth in town we finally have two tooth in town yep perfect and you know what if you have tooth pain you need to get some drugs there are three pharmacies in the area as you guys know our fur babies our little Divas are very important to us they are and we need to know where the veterinarian is fortunately in this town it’s about a minute away it’s the closest we ever found ever this is an overhead shot of this beautiful Italian town that we are falling in love with okay right here is the property yep I mean check that out your backyard is the mountain your backyard is a forest and you’re looking at this beautiful town that we are starting to fall in love with speaking of love people say this town is shaped like a heart so we really love that honey man yes would you like to wander through the town with me yes please all right we’re actually starting from the house that’s the house on the right and the left those are your two houses where are we what’s going on here okay let’s scooch around here yeah starting to see some serious mountains I see mountains I see a cute town right you got a little Switzerland Vibe happening over there true it’s true oh you know mountains everywhere all right here’s the road right at your property look at those flowers yeah that’s a cute little river there there is a river it’s not too little though but yeah we’ll get into that mhm and I can go the wrong way down a one way which is the benefit of maps that’s right and here we are in the Piazza I mean what is that 45 seconds from your house and you’re in this with a ton of restaurants you’ll see you will see we’re going to show you what’s in this Town yep so you can see how gorgeous it is with the mountains there are little shops and restaurants on the side here those trees are gorgeous yeah I mean I’m in on this one I think babe look at the mountains look how you know this one’s new fresh and clean look at the stone look at the stone meaning the rocks of the mountain you know that’s the river down there too you can walk down the river I’m sure this is great lot walk alongside the river yeah I’m going to go in the river I’m going to walk through the river like Swamp Thing and go through there and right here is the historic train station this must be an older version of the map because it’s been completely renovated now it looks great all new windows it’s real nice walk to the train station here we are at the main property I’m super excited first of all there’s the house but what’s below it look at that stone wall I am in okay okay so here’s the front of the house that you saw before look at those iron gates look at the trees I mean okay this is the second house that’s right next to it we’re going to get into that okay you have an iron gate that kind of blocks off your property what is this area called right here babe the courtyard yeah so it’s a courtyard and they’re considering it three parking spaces Mhm I think it might be a little bit more yeah but so on the left here everything you see on the left is the house all the way down all the way down that’s the first one on the left with the two doors and you keep going and there’s another freestanding house past that all of that is included for how much money €150,000 that’s amazing okay so you have these cute pavers in front and let’s head on down the way okay and I’m going to I’m going to say this you come to another gate I feel like I am in heaven we keep walking past that gate there’s the second house on the side with the stone it looks like there’s some grape Vines there is another building that we’re walking towards okay okay okay this is also part of your property this is past the second house look at that stonework how much do you think that would cost to put that into a hillside so you get two houses for $160 plus that okay and you get this entire area and a ton of land okay I love this stone look at that sort of okay right little feature and that’s the mountain that’s stone rock from the mountain I love this mhm so we have this unique feature and then next to it on this same kind of like Courtyard Terrace we have this Cantina with your own private water source okay I want my own private water source thank you I mean I am kind of Blown Away here for 161,000 us I would buy just this this land with the stone wall that looks like it could be 20 ft tall with steps and a storage building built into the side of the mountain you know a brick Tool Shed that’s what they’re calling it okay and I would say that might be another terrace happy hour Tower so we said two in the beginning maybe three I think it’s four now might four five we’re going to see what happens but this place is unbelievable okay I think it’s time to get into the house and I think this would be the main house for us I okay so we go in through the front door right here go up the stairs and you’re in this first living area okay to me it looks a bit new fresh and clean y um they’re using it yeah they’re using it as a dining room um and you’ll see as we get into it we’d probably use this as a living room probably yeah here’s a look at the other side of this room it’s a decent size space and then that doorway on the right leads to like a Butler’s Pantry area pretty cool it is it’s really handy to have especially you can make that a pantry a lot of people now are putting little appliances in there I think we would do that I love that hutch that’s in there already we keep that for sure maybe would go somewhere else but yeah I knew you’d fall in love with that love it but I think what we do is something similar to when we move into our house we’re in now we’ve been here for 15ish years we renovated the kitchen a while back and we had a Butler’s Pantry that was completely empty so we added a few things I think we would do something similar here as you’re leaving your Butler’s Pantry what what is the what there’s a movie we watched where uh a guy says something Bodega Bay there it is Bodega Bay very fancy if you know what movie it is is that rap sand no it’s not no I feel like it’s a Steve Martin movie well if you know it’s it’s actually Chase Chase it’s Chevy Chase so let us know if you know what the movie is um in the comments below never mind I think I know yeah you know now the door in front of you is the kitchen let’s check it out I love the ceilings in this kitchen and I love how look at how thick that wallet is that’s crazy yes so we could probably reconfigure this a tiny bit I probably wouldn’t have the fridge right there but I like what they did with the cabinets that’s unique and different and then they still have a little bit of a modern flare with the hood and even the tile the backsplash yeah I’m good with that and then I love the sink love it yeah it works marble sink kind of cool definitely different very light and bright in there and that’s a big space you know it is I think a great kitchen it is I think we could reconfigure it a little bit better but you have everything you need even a dishwasher so nice mhm so here we are leaving the kitchen back in that space let’s go through that door on the left into a little hallway that leads to a bathroom it’s a full bath you know I don’t love the sink and whatever they have going on there we put a little bit of money into this we probably take that sink out put a little pedestal in there maybe freshen it up somehow but honestly to have a full bath on that level is great so I think it’s 3/4 think it’s a tub we can’t tell for sure I think it’s a 3/4 but I say full bath if it has more than a shower in a sink so or a shower a toilet in a sink you know so here we go um here we are right here there’s that bathroom we’re going to head up the stairs into this amazing space look at this I don’t even know what I want to say about this besides I love it and I would drink some wine there salute right salute I could drink some wine and kiss my wife on the cheek while she’s drinking wine Mhm um so I can see myself there can you see yourself there yes you can this space is actually the landing at the top of the stairs so you can see those windows so pretty Mountain views I could see us doing more of a bench seating situation with again a little table but more of a reading Nook hangout you know what I see in there babe what guess 1 2 3 go I don’t know a little wine cooler oh gosh right so I can be on the landing and drink my wine well the nice thing is there’s a balcony right outside that door so you could also go outside so this is a a nice little space happy hour Tower also on that level is a new fresh and clean bathroom this one looks real nice it does and then next to that bathroom is this huge bedroom that I am guessing we would use as our main bedroom for sure there’s a built-in wardrobe French doors look at this space that’s a big space you know it’s light and bright for sure it is and you can see a shop from the other side of the room remember it’s furnished it comes furnished you don’t have to keep it all but it’s good starter stuff that’s right and what do I see there babe I don’t know uh there’s glass teddy bear oh I think it’s a dog I think it’s a a oh you’re looking at that one I’m looking at the dog on the chair um I see a happy hour tower that I will say salute to you guys on the first of many happy hour Towers okay let’s go up one more level we’re going to go up the stairs right here into this beautiful space why is it beautiful babe pretty I’m guessing because of the ceilings and the windows yeah yes and I mean if any of you work from home or work at home or whatever it is look at that office yeah I can work could you live your life love your wife kiss your wife you know and work from that beautiful desk you just don’t want to roll the chair yeah don’t drink wine and roll back a little bit too far it would be like okay ready it would be like Christmas vacation when Sparky is up in the attic and and uh Ellen pulls the string and he goes down if you know what I’m talking about it’s awesome scene uh don’t Christmas vacation that stairwell no so let’s take a look at the view while you work from home I don’t know who’s going to work with this view but it’s spectacular yeah and if you spin around from there you can see they’re making good use of the space this area here for some bookshelves and then and you know let’s continue on here’s this is a big space which you see this um what do you see here that you like babe uh this kind of reminds me of I don’t know if you guys remember the Sardinia property we did a few weeks ago where they had that relaxation area where you could really put a bowling alley in that’s right it’s giving me those vibes again as far as like the relaxation so you have this you walk up a few stairs and you have the sofa there you read a book you get a massage which I like for how many minutes in the comments below everyone knows Us by now you know hours then you can see the TV is across the way so they’re using is their living area and what’s so nice is that little window down below because if you’re up high on that sofa looking down you’re looking at the Town you’re looking at that gorgeous view hey babe I just thought of something what do you know who else is going to be up here in this living room with us and looking at that view from that window right there it’s a doggy a doggy window my gosh yeah Zoe and Maui are going to love that that’s right well they would if we’re buying this property which we may really want I I’m like babe this might be the one you know I say it once in a while this one is really and we have a whole lot of that house to look at so let’s take a look yeah so you can see from the space there is a door to a happy hour tower that looks like this I mean you’re looking at the valley you’re looking at the Town you know again by the way look at all that stuff down there that’s all your property all that stone all these like that building Park like a former Park yeah and I will say this uh Jamie wife and I would get in here and we would be very meticulous about this is going to be like this we’re going to pick these weeds be tidying this up if you made this area look like a resort it would be unbelievable I mean look at this you put a little bit of Sweat Equity in here this would be stunning as a reminder this home comes furnished I don’t know if the little alien dude comes with it but if he does we’d probably gift him to someone else cuz he ceps me down I just heard you say it that’s funny I like it the little alien dude you know that’s why I made it’s not really an alien just from far away it looks like it creeps me out it’s an alien so you can see the amazing ceilings and the amazing beam um and you can also see a shower curtain into a corner of the room that I tell you what I think we would take that out I mean using it yeah they’re using it as storage we would just take that out and open up the room you know if you’re going to have that as a living room it would be nice and big right so and then again here’s another shot of that beautiful relaxation space yeah I like it it’s different and they’re using the bottom for storage below it’s good you could actually put another sofa where those chairs are a couple levels yeah I agree I see the alien right there peeking over so I’m going to call this space if if if I filmed a movie Twilight yeah if I filmed a movie here it would be called sleeping with the alien moving along here we are back down in the main area check out that wooden door you head out that wooden door right here and from that space you head outside too are you ready look at this this is one of two Terraces that leads to your other house that’s included in $161,000 okay look at the stone on the ground yep look at this Arch I didn’t even notice that you know the arch has the mountain in it behind it right there so this space is very special to me and look you have railings actually there’s a yard up there with walkways and stairs I mean imagine like I said earlier you make this place look like a resort unbelievable I mean this one is freaking me out a little bit just past that terrace is this this is the real happy hour Tower that’s right that’s right oh my gosh Mountain views Town views I would buy this happy hour to our Terrace for $150,000 put up a hammock maybe a little wine fridge and just enjoy this view I’m in I love this it’s unbelievable I mean in the states you’re probably paying $150,000 just for that and the little bit of land that’s right yeah I think it would be a good idea to kind of spin around if you’re standing in this area you want to see what’s around you let’s check that out okay so here we are so look at that you have you have steps that go up to a stone wall and a yard and there is the first house we looked at and you have these walls and you have these beautiful wrought iron I mean babe wow those Mountain views are killing me you guys know the mountain views I love love love I’m having a problem with this one babe this is too much for me I mean I I I I I I okay well I think what’s so great about it is it’s two homes mhm so it could be multi Gen Yep if you can Airbnb you live in one you rent out the other mhm or you have a husband who’s a musician and he needs a studio you live in one and his studio is in the other all right I mean there’s a lot of flexibility which you guys know we’re always looking for that’s right yeah the Italian homes seem to offer that because they’re kind of quirky and have different spaces and works well this one is maybe one of the most flexible that we have found yeah so just as a reminder you’re on your happy hour Tower and you’re looking down and what do you see you see your land your fruit trees a beautiful little town nestled into Mountain Valley I am in love so here we are on that gorgeous huge happy hour Tower we’re going to go through this door right here and then we go into this hallway that has a wall full of windows with views for days yeah I was going to say it’s too bad you have all those windows too bad you don’t have any view all right oh wait go it’s the greatest VI I’ve ever seen stunning so it’s so stunning yeah they have a couple chairs in there which are nice so okay here’s this long hallway I see a wood door down there here is okay just take a minute babe and tell me what you like about that door what don’t I like about those doors they’re beautiful yes and it leads to a bedroom let’s check it out here’s the first picture of this bedroom it’s light and bright they were smart with the paint yeah I love the sconces this is the one thing besides the little tweaking of that other bathroom we would probably update the floors at one point but they work they do you know you can move right inve in yeah but just not our particular style but you can see how big this spaces heating gorgeous desk that I would actually keep in there cuz so pretty true that is very true and you know what you don’t see the floors when you see the view so you know I’ll take the view of the floors any day so this is a nice space heading down that hallway and these windows look like they’re double glazed replaced and it look like they open up yeah yeah I mean maybe there’s some fresh Mountain Air coming in you think while we’re drinking wine at that table give me kiss uh salute kiss and keep going just keep going keep going okay um back in that hallway there’s another bedroom with a little niche for books or whatever you want it’s again a really nice size space with French doors again probably replace the floors eventually um but it works that’s right so you’re back into this hallway and guess what is coming up right now do you know what it is go ahead it’s a new fresh and clean bathroom with a bidet carino I mean we haven’t said cute bidet yet have we cute bidet someone’s gonna catch us for that one oo I really like this bathroom um this would be my bathroom on this property just your bathroom that’s right okay mhm you can brush your teeth in there and here’s a look at the other side of this bathroom with a washing machine you can see the shower it’s a pretty big bathroom actually I’m glad they have a wash washing machine you know why cuz I like clean underwear it’s good makes me happy washing in the sink like usual no no no so you go down the stairs right here and you head into the first space downstairs and this is what it looks like this is a space with interesting brick it has what is that a stove I think it’s a wood burner it’s a wood burner and I like that yeah um so the space you could use as a living room you could use as a dining room I mean like we said you have the other house this is very flexible we use it as another living area probably yep for sure obviously you have the main pretty Kitchen in the other home this is another space that you can use for a kitchen looks like they’re using it for some kind of kitchenette there’s a couple hot plates a microwave little beverage cooler toaster but you could actually make this a full kitchen so again depending on your use if it’s a Airbnb if it’s permitted or multi or using it for some other options for your family yeah I mean generally in Italy we’ve we’ve seen this oh the kitchen goes with the people so you come in it’s almost like it’s Furniture So This falls in line with that you can put in some stuff probably pretty inexpensively get some cabinets in there do it up if you want to yeah you know what I mean and you could Factor it into your offer just because they’re saying 150 does not mean that that is what they’ll accept because you can make them in offer that they they refuse so wrapping this up on the first property remember we have four one minute wers coming up very soon look at this there are your two houses there’s your property and you have fruit trees and stone walls and flexibility and happy hour towers and 1 2 3 4 5 six Terraces whatever it is upper yards lower yards mid yards Courtyards you have it all this one is special so here is another look at the town and then to give you some perspective the property is right there yeah right there yes please so let’s check out and see the other amenities in this town okay there are three grocery stores in town one of them is 700 ft away okay how long does it take you to walk 700 ft please put it in the comments below [Laughter] that’s according to google okay how many minutes would it take to get from this house to that grocery store if you were a paraglider oh I’m got to get ready for my stuff here I got stuff I got stuff dude I got stuff dude get out of here get out of town bro cheater I’m just kidding all right hold on let me just a little al fresco dining for the Jaime [Laughter] wife and restaurants there’s about eight restaurants in town perfect and of course there has to be al fresco dining for the Jaime [Music] [Laughter] wife wow that’s good I’m good you really worked on your accent this week I spent seven hours working on my accent for sh I’ll Fresco dining for the Jaimewife and the food looks like this woo okay yeah we could go there yeah Primo can I eat that in my mouth right now please I mean if you could whip that up in the kitchen i’ be okay I’ll be right back because what is it like midnight or something it’s 1:00 a.m. is it Eastern Standard time I mean I know we release our video on Eastern time that doesn’t mean that we live Easter Standard time maybe it does what do you think some of you guys know this already and if you know cuz we told you don’t tell anybody else and there are 10 bars in town plus two cafes so really if you think about it there’s eight restaurants 10 bars two cafes at least 81 to 20 places for you to eat at most likely almost all these places have food of some sort my favorite thing size Jaimewife is Jaimewife drinking wine and doing math anyway um I would imagine that one of these bars has been untouched since at least the 70s and if that’s the case babe yeah if we walk in there and you sit at the bar and there’s a bowl of some something that’s free you know what would it be 70 style peanuts peanuts that I’m never touching I I don’t know what people do with their fingers I you know I have a friend actually who goes to the bathroom we don’t need to talk about that but yes um but people I’m not there’s no communal food I even hate pumping gas hate it that’s right they don’t they don’t clean those things never that’s why she never does it that’s why I got married one of the main reasons no you’re it’s seventh on Seventh on the list hey Christmas wife yes AKA stick chick um do you want to elevate your drinking yes why cuz I want to go to a winery oh and what does it look like babe it looks like this okay that’s interesting and what else does it look like babe this okay there we go this is the same Winery that was just one of the this don’t you that this is actually a picture I took from a winery that I was in where I climbed a tree and I’m like 25 ft up and I’ve already had three glasses of wine or something like that and I took this was just you know I think these are just up okay it wasn’t me and it’s a great picture what else you got look at this this place is absolutely gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous those mountains okay stunning we’re going here we’re going here salute drink your wine I love my wife I love you guys give me a salute salute salute salute what you guys probably don’t know about us yet is that my wife when I first met her worked in a bakery and did you have another wife besides me and uh the the picture that she took of what we can get in the bakery is this I mean I I worked in a bakery in Italy yeah oh okay know that yeah you got to you know I mean look how new fresh and clean that is you know why because Jamie wife AKA Christmas wife AKA what’s your other one Bakery wife now Bakery wife I love it smart Bakery wife likes to clean things and this is crisp and clean and I want to eat everything in that bin slash cabinet slash what glass case glass case ridiculous this is all ridiculous welcome to wandering with wine and there are two butchers in town time for some fun stuff woo as expected there is a ton of skiing here ton I like skiing yeah do you like to ski like skiing what does it look like man the closest one is 50 minutes away from the property looks like this looks well maintained very well maintained and gondolas which again I’ve never been in yet we’ll get you in one day one day maybe in Italy that’s right and look at this mountain I’m shocked there’s mountains like that around there wow yeah so close to the Alps very nice and there we are right there I’m in the yellow and you’re right next to me why am I walking oh no those are skis he looks like he’s walking though no he might be walking snowshoes snow shoes look at that in the background yeah gorgeous you can see long rain Alps views I am in as you’d imagine with all the mountains and the skiing there’s tons of hiking in the area closest one 14 minutes away and you have four golf courses 50 minutes away and I was going to say you know visit our store on YouTube you can get all kinds of fun things you can get shirts you can get stickers for your car or your golf bag which someone did which was pretty freaking cool oh there’s golf shirts I haven’t added that yeah and I’m also working on a Wandering with wine golf ball it’s going to be a a Titleist Pro V1 oh and it’s going to have a wander with wine so you know let’s do this fancy just so you know honey man this is what the golf course looks like doesn’t suck not too shabby yep where’s the beach where is it babe I don’t know 5 7 minutes away I don’t have my glasses on dude but I can tell you it looks like this okay and this okay I should you know put them on okay I got to take them off for that one oh and that whoa that is beautiful it looks like Monaco a little bit right it does it has that French Riviera VI well you know think about it you’re actually up close to that area this is gorgeous okay here we go the first of four one minute wanders this first one is 73,000 which is how much 78,000 us 78,000 us how many bedrooms and bath does have babe two bedroom two bath furnished heat Source that’s right and looking at this picture beautiful wood ceilings okay let’s see what we have here yep not too bad almost 1,000 square feet which is great mhm I mean I think I see a happy hour Tower get there we’re going to get order these pictures okay yeah that’s right but I love the floors and I love that happy hour Tower and I guess they went out there look at that view see we go back downstairs that’s why tell me about the kitchen babe so kitchen completely renovated I love those floors and the tile so there is your pellet stove that heats the home which is great so you walk through those glass doors and you walk into this kitchen that’s right that would also be probably be a dining area for us yeah and this one is in the heart of the town too right this is like right in the middle of it look at this cute bath I know you love those tiles there I do you know I do I mean completely renovated and there is a cute we’d probably do something different with that little storage space but that’s a nice bathroom yeah and I love this space this looks more Parisian that’s right than Italian but you’re close yeah we’re yeah we’re in Northern Italy so you’re going to get some of that uh you know European vibe from up there into these uh buildings into these homes into the design but I love the floors in there you know and it’s furnished again fireplace let’s see a fireplace um it doesn’t say that it’s working but you have the illusion of if I not working I see it but I love the molding on the ceilings and you have this balcony so you get more of the little the town view from there and this is the second bathroom okay also redone for how much 78,000 us yeah it’s nice and bright the floors everything’s really pretty that’s a good size that’s huge wardrobe to get with the property yeah furnished right yeah mhm it’s really nice and then there’s your heating Source you can see I know a lot of you would probably probably be concerned about heating because we are in Piedmont so a lot of the homes that we’re featuring already have that look at that view though and you are passing drinks to your I’m going to be out there wandering with one on drinking right there handing a glass of wine if you guys buy the place across the way when it comes up okay a pink room babe it is not a pink room it’s the curtain that’s right see pictures can be deceiving that’s a big room that’s a big room for sure yeah uh what is this back upstairs in that living area so they have a kitchenette up here which is nice right you don’t want to go all the way downstairs you can do some stuff eat outside mhm and go to your gorgeous happy hour Tower that is a nice size I really like this one right I like this for $78,000 I mean that’s asking it doesn’t say it’s negotiable but you never know and it’s coming with the furniture which is actually really nice furniture which doesn’t always happen but there’s the front of the building you can see the glass doors down there that is the front where you walk in wow so the front of the property really nice I love that walkway and everything so at 22 you’re telling me yep renovated yep for that price yep with three balconies amazing happy hour Tower almost 1000 square feet there’s the floor plan for everybody who’s interested but to be completely renovated and in the center that’s pretty nice there it is that little yellow pin we’re in yeah love it this is a nice one as you guys know my favorite thing is Jaimewife my second favorite thing is doing this you youtube Channel and interacting with you guys every Friday night at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard time we do a Premiere where we’re chatting with you guys live chat yep and and also people leave you know comments for us and let’s take a look at those because we really appreciate that as well so Luiz wow you guys have outdone yourselves yet again great properties very affordable and in beautiful locations bravissimo you know that’s what we do we’re looking for the those great deals that don’t need any Renovations and minimal Renovations so thank you very much we appreciate it and then on buy me a coffee Erin and Casey who just became members woohoo uh my husband Casey and I are enjoying your content so much thank you not only are the properties great but I love how you are sharing the important amenities and other community information that is one of our biggest things that’s what we wanted to know and that’s how we dig so deep on all of these that’s right um we also love all the Gen X’s Gen X Gen X Gen X baby um we have a dream of moving to Europe for the next phase of Our Lives oh yeah same um and Italy is currently our top early retirement destination yep we are on the same page finding community of other people who want to is so fun so that’s another reason why we did this and we’re starting to see so much more it’s not just us engaging but we have other W3 family members replying to comments when we live chat also just in the comments of our videos also on Facebook and Instagram and we love that that’s what we want it the whole point of this was to learn for ourselves share with you guys learn from you guys people who live there who can tell us but then also have every be in a happy and positive and fun environment that’s what we’re about yeah we all come together we share information you know we laugh we drink some wine or whatever it is you know it’s a great Vibe and we love it we love you guys and thank you so much thank you so much okay let’s knock out the rest of the need to note schools there are multiple in town learn something there are multiple churches in town looks about looks to be you haven’t said that in a while uh Biaggio looks to be used to be your thing looks to be for watch watch the first three videos that we ever put out I said looks to be a thousand times so I I changed that post offices looks to be multiple in town Jaime looks to be making fun of her a lovely husband Honeyman yes talk Italy to me to say tu sei di Roma you are from Rome tu sei di Roma you are from Rome you are from Rome you are from Rome ready 1 2 3 tu sei di Roma here is our second of four one minute wanders and we’re doing two back to back because they’re actually in the same building so here’s the first one okay what do we have 62,000 66,000 is US mhm not too bad right I love the floors their floors are different throughout but they’re like the the traditional Italian that’s what we love about the show we’re gonna keep going wandering with wine there is a medallion did you see and that’s a view yeah it’s so like there is a giant B that’s what I you are on the river yeah it’s gorgeous okay I mean that’s how much is this this is 66,000 US depending on the day and the exchange rate but look at this view yeah I mean stun this whole town is actually really impressing me your floors you have some trim up there you know a little northern European looking I like that it is it is and this is coming furnished as well just so you know which is great you have your starter furnisher furnish furnished furnish um but look at that giant wardrobe Again The Medallion on the ceiling I love that that’s a big room it is I like or Furniture is giant I know the floors I like them I like them a lot they’re like the traditional floors for sure that’s right um but this place with that view mhm on the river so you’re seeing the river and you’re just on the other side so you’re not like directly in town it’s kind of like the main property it’s pulled back a little bit you can walk right over the bridge and you’re there with the shot know there’s some wallpaper in there but I I don’t like wallpaper but if I had to have wallpaper this wallpaper is actually pretty reasonable so I’m in I would get rid of all of that in the corner to open up that space is a tube TV babe what’s your what’s your uh second um so we have again this giant this is a wraparound balcony and then a nice size kitchen that’s nice that’s nice right it really is here’s the bathroom tub tub it’s like a half tub yeah there is a cute um the tile works it’s fine it’s not our style but for for that price with that view that giant wraparound porch and plus there is a warehouse below mhm it is 600 ft there it is you could purchase that for another €9,000 or look how big this is do I do it right it’s crazy or all of this land for 12,000 which might be a little bit negotiable look at that Italian property right there’s the floor plan nice um this one is pretty interesting it is and you know what’s interesting too there’s the location you know what’s interesting too what’s your VHS tape one two three go go um War Games wow war games okay mine is Raiders of the Lost Ark oh I love that movie that’s right that’s right who was supposed to be the actor who turned it down put it in the comments below he’s got a mustache here is our third one minute wander this is in the same building of the property we just showed you mhm this also has the option to get the warehouse and the property so whoever gets it first gets to get get you’re in a breakfast buffet I want some potatoes I want some eggs benedict and I want what Garden what a warehouse no I’m saying in the buffet I’m e a garden in the warehouse in The Buffet so I’m at the breakfast buffet I’m getting French Toast French Toast French toast sticks for the you me one of the properties I know what you me okay here we go what do we have so let’s take a look at this one all right so you don’t need as much space you need to want a smaller place little holiday home $34,000 French toast stick wife go ahead 36,000 US a one one and yeah it’s got a balcony again and I see a TV we’ll talk about the VHS at the end of the thing go ahead um so this is the living area and the kitchen we would reconfigure this a little bit uh but for that price you make it work money it’s crazy and again it comes furnished so you don’t need to keep it all but it’s good starter furniture and there is radiator yep for heat for heat which is great always a bonus especially when you’re in Northern Italy The View you have a happy hour Tower with a view of the river yep love can you imagine is this one is this one wrap around too it looks I it wraps around the back a little bit that’s nice um listening to the river all day long and bird singing right I love it and then look at this nice size bedroom absolutely they have the feature again with The Medallion around the chandelier big furniture you need the Wardrobe I don’t know if you need all the other stuff but I you have four chairs in that bedroom come on I mean it’s nice some people I don’t know but I would do one chair in the corner we reconfigure some of these spaces there’s your bathroom we can’t see if there’s a bday oh there is look there it is look you can see it that’s why I married her she’s got an Eagle Eye and you get this Attic So you get this other space too so maybe on this one you don’t have to buy the warehouse cuz you already have a free attic and it’s half the price I mean this one’s you know yep so the first property is at the very top the second one is on that side and around the corner okay but but pretty cool for that money 36,000 yep on the water really with that gorgeous Mountain View yep yeah I think it’s great yeah wrapping up some more need to knows clothing stores three in town yep so if you’re nudist um and you come out of the river you can get clothes if someone’s looking at you funny and you’re like okay sorry go ahead don’t do that all right there are four hair salons in town Oh I thought you were saying stop no I was joking Okay so Jaime’s a nudist I’m going to keep going no you’re not keep going okay speaking of nudist uh you want to work on your body you have a gym 14 minutes away hardware store in town for gum gas stations two in town for petroleum auto repair shop to in town that’s right do your thing you did last nights boom boom boom boom multiple in town mhm I know you guys are falling in love with this town and we’re finding you some pretty cheap properties and some great deals but how about $26,000 for a property in this town that’s a 1 one and let’s take a look okay tell me about it also comes furnished furnished furnished furnished I ditch the hutch cuz it takes up too much space I love the floors I know a lot of people wouldn’t I do I love funky floors a little too much you can put an area rug down yep no it’s fun radiators yep you have your own heat Source light and bright yep so it’s about 650 is square fet the kitchen is quite large you probably need to update it unless you’re into the midcentury mod Vibe we’re not really mid-century mod but it’s kind of totally those cabinets right and you have this balcony that’s worth $26,000 so they have a little bit of a mountain view over here that’s right and then right below is your parking which is always great to have very right that’s a big deck it’s huge mhm it’s really big so there’s your entry way little foyer area too your pellet stove your heat Source I mean this is inexpensive and fully renovated bathroom they did this two years ago this bathroom is $26,000 as far as I’m concern with a washing machine okay I mean right a little holiday home and they have a cute day babe y I love this bathroom of course and I love those floors too yeah I know you do we would not keep the purple probably no yeah um lots of big furniture this is a huge room that you can have a lot more space in this one is very interesting to me for that price 26,000 you know you could have a perfect holiday home in Piedmont you just want to go skiing for the weekend for that money yeah furnished mhm just update $26,000 crazy mhm and here we go let’s talk about temps baby how hot can be I’ll tell you what uh Jaime is talking about what what are you talking about temps she’s talking about temps I don’t like to be hot no and you’re not going to be hot here babe because the highest temperature average temperature in the hottest month is 67° that is my sweet spot actually we sleep at 67° here so uh in the coldest month wait our Celsius people our Celsius people are saying what is the temperature in the hottest month uh 19 is 19 right and the coldest month the coldest average temperature is slightly above freezing I’m sure you’re going to get a little bit of snow around these parts right hopefully but what is that for our Celsius people one or two-ish one so what about your immunity babe uh okay this is this is getting better it was really good a few weeks ago and it’s started getting a little more humid I saw some oppressive that’s right this is better it’s still got some humidity but this this is good I like it I like it a lot mobile and internet Verizon 5G and 4G except for the mountains look I’ve never seen that before that’s cool nothing voice and messaging only if you go hiking in those areas uh and something happens you might want a a c satellite phone a CB radio okay what was your handle on your CB radio in 1978 put it in the comments below okay oh I know what mine was what was yours Cookie Monster oh that’s cute I didn’t know that I was little see that’s why we do this channel too so I can find out things randomly that I didn’t know about her after 19 years okay so winrey 5G 4g+ 4G and we have vodafone vodafone vodafone has 5G 4G plus and 4G Tim he’s been around Tim Bro Dog dude nice work 4G plus 4G um and then we have what IAD 4G plus 4G 3G and starlink is available all throughout Italy does Amazon deliver of course they do 3 to 5 days delivery for a libus lib a listless lib lib it’s a um a shower thing and it looks like why would you put why would you put a potty brush looks like it’s TP why would you put a potty brush in your to in your shower what are you cleaning in there with that thing anyway I think it’s a TP holder okay if I recall correctly I’ve been looking at a lot of gadgets lately 3 to 5 days delivery here is the property information one more time for all of you wonderful people or May in PA month €150,000 161,000 us a one-bedroom half bath oh wait no it’s a four bedroom three bath over and it’s furnished furnished furnished furnished it has a lot of stuff okay it says two Terraces here I think there’s four or five Terraces there might be more yeah uh three balconies that maybe is accurate maybe it’s four balconies uh a giant Garden a courtyard you have that ancient land with the stone and the cave and the Water Source I mean this one is amazing I can’t believe I’m saying this but we’re already at the end of this week’s episode that’s right thank you all for joining us we love you as you know mhm not surprising we will see you next Friday at 6:00 p.m. eastern time where we can live chat with you yeah in the meantime salute salute and byeeeee


  1. Thanks for joining us!! The main home we are featuring is actually TWO HOMES with over 32,000 square feet of land, amazing views, multiple terraces, balconies and just a few steps to town. We love this area and found FOUR One-Minute Wanders in Piedmont, two in the center and two on the Tanaro river. Remember to subscribe so you don't miss future stunning Italian properties for sale:

  2. I look forward to your new episodes every week! You guys do a wonderful job. Thank you for making regular people like me feel like moving to Italy for my retirement is actually really possible. WWW IS AMAZING!

  3. Just started watching. Holy crap, the St. Benard!!! Cujo = Slobber monster. Remember when they were trapped in the pinto and the slobber was dripping all over the windows. 🤮 Ok…focus Archie. Back to the video.

  4. AS ALWAYS you two lovebirds, GREAT presentation, FUN, informative. Thanks SO much!!!!

  5. Our vote is for wanders 2 and 3. Wrap it all up with the land and the warehouse. Bob's yer uncle! 🫡

  6. 1 is amazing and could be a great money maker as an airbb. No2 is lovely as well. Another entertaining & informative episode with our favorite yt couple!

  7. Amazing properties….great value, and Monte Carlo is not far away too! I had to smile at W2, on the top floor, the neighbours house had a power pole coming out of his roof?

  8. I wanted to buy you some more coffees but having trouble logging in to do so. 😢 I'll keep trying! And how do I become a patreon. I've see a few of the houses you've shown, but you show some I don't see on gate-away. I' put a reading chair in that little sunny place. I'd fall asleep, but love it!!!
    Jamie, I am not married so I have to pump my own gas, BUT I keep antibacterial wipes in my car for my hands & also wipe off my keys, stearing wheel, etc at the same time. Anything I touch often!!

  9. 🤣🤣😂😂Just had to clean my screen – wine specks all over it from laughing too much!! Although you're a cheater B, it made me laugh like a crazy woman at 31.28 & 31.45 🤪🤪My son thinks I've totally lost the plot – laughing at my laptop with my headphones on, while he's watching something boring on TV! Thanks for making my day you two – love & appreciate your work BIG TIME. The main property is fabulous – as are all of the OMW's – so reasonably priced. Thanks for all of your research & sharing them with us prospective Italian residents. That reminds me – must get my lotto ticket tomorrow ☺☺Can't wait until next week for your next vlog – have a beautiful week! Salute lovelies 🍷🍷🥂🥂🤩🤩

  10. Hi guys, Ormea looks like a wonderful place to live, thanks for helping us find such a lovely town. I’m really interested in the first one-minute wander, the townhouse with the great terrace and chill-out zone on the top floor. I might want to change the flooring and maybe the main kitchen, but apart from that it’s good to go as a holiday home. Thanks as always for a really entertaining wander!

  11. And just to add to my last post: the bus that serves the village is the 202 from Ceva, and there’s one every 60 to 90 minutes between early morning and about 8.30pm -that’s excellent for a rural Italian village/town. There’s even one direct bus a day that goes all the way down to Imperia on the coast. This town really ticks all the boxes.

  12. I think you two have the right idea about this main house shown. Perfect for a couple or more! Being one with a small pup, I think the 1 minute wanders often fit better. But the places and prices are incredible! Two for one at that price. Amazing! Well done!

  13. My husband and I love love love to watch you 2 lovebirds! The properties are amazing and my husband gives me a kiss every time Jamie wife gets one.
    We love that you give all the information about the area.
    You guys rock!!

  14. This is nown as a one-butt kitchen. These galley kitchen is a bit difficult to cook somewhat elaborate meals.

  15. 3000 square meteres is about 3/4 of an acre. Pretty sizable lot. Curious as to what it costs to heat in the winter.

  16. I'm sorry Biaggio, Jaime, this is by far the best of the best and I'm taking Dibs, 😂😂😂😂 already writing the big fat check as we speak 😂😂😂…. NOT 😂, I wouldn't do that to beautiful people like you and Jaime…yes Biaggio, you guys can have this one…make them an offer they can't refuse…😂😂😂 love, love you both 😘 ❤

  17. What a cute town with spectacular views!!! Piedmont is gorgeous … what you can get for your money here is amazing! You’re spoiling us with the extra OMWs! So much potential for all the outdoor space in the main property. You know me, though, central Italy has stolen my heart. ❤ hope you guys had a fabo weekend! See you next week!

  18. What a fantastic TOWN! Everything was so cool, that main property was amazing, and all of the prices were unbelievable. I hadn't spent much time looking in Piedmont and wow! Thanks for all you both do to entertain and educate. We appreciate you,thanks from Erin and Casey!

  19. Great presentation, great properties. Your efforts are sincerely appreciated.
    More and more, in large part due to climate change, I am becoming very interested in Northern Italy.
    And, as this video demonstrates, there are some awesome deals to be found.

  20. Actor Tom Selleck; initially cast as Indiana Jones, Selleck was forced to withdraw due to his contractual obligations to the television series Magnum, P.I.

    He was a great casting choice and would have made a great Indy, IMHO.

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