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this was only the start of all our problems
#haunted #paranormal

@ExploringWithJosh @ExploringwithFighters @AWE83

hail asona seeker of wisdom and Keeper Of Time Mighty Duke I hum me invoke you from the depths of Hell into your realm of man yeah we all heard that bro that [ __ ] giggle dude that was a woman H I know [Applause] that all right so Dave where are you taking us tonight well around about two years ago I did a mansion in Italy okay and following on the stories of other people of their videos and stuff this place has very negative Vibes so the family that lived there is four generations now okay and the truth say of what people say in the locals that if they excavated the grounds they would find bodies of workers cuz apparently the family were really nasty really and they have some kind of Mafia connection again but we are in Italy land is a mafia I guess oh that’s creepy bro so tell me what what is this building like I mean how big is it what’s it look like on the inside I it’s a huge mansion I would say probably seven eight nine bedrooms wa that’s big it’s even got his work area at the back the old Office of the guy and when you see him he looks kind of like a gangster as well didn’t you tell me as well that there there’s a church here on the property yeah there’s a church and some I heard before there’s a family Vault where the family were buried in there but we didn’t see any Vault so I don’t know but unless it’s somewhere on the ground I don’t know gotcha well boys I want to be honest with you guys that was we do enough ghost hunts as it is what I’m interested in tonight we need to sum a de I’ve not done this in a minute in what better place here in the land of the RO the Holy Roman Empire the birth of Catholicism I’m getting tongue twist I’m getting so excited we dude I’m nervous you should be nervous cuz tonight we’re going to be summoning Asos I’ve actually never seen this stuff before heard I’m not going to lie I’m not going to say yeah I’m the uh I’m really skeptical about stuff but have you ever heard of asth do you know anything about demons do either of you know anything about demons okay so I’ve been doing this for a very long time now it’s my profession all right uh we’re going to be summing ASO who is one of the basically one of the hierarchy of Hell okay uh this would be uh a demon who parents were one the demon of Love or the god of love and what was the other one fertility uh this is not a nice spirit all right we’re going to have to get protection we’re going to have to get supplies we’re going to have to go to the supermarket and get some stuff just to keep ourselves safe hang on a minute so we’re actually messing with something really dangerous yeah and this this cannot connect or enter us or well no I will I will make sure that it does not affect any of yeah no no no no I will make sure you guys are safe I will do it properly on the road and I couldn’t deal with any bad NE I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m still alive barely yeah barely alive okay it’s going to be all right but yeah let’s summon asaroth tonight in this I’m pretty I’m pretty nervous man I’m not going to lie to you yeah I’m in the car nah no we’re doing this we’re doing this mini I’m actually finding this quite humorous so Dave obviously being the abandoned World Explorer he does IR and uh currently they [ __ ] a brick over there yeah I’ve actually feel like I got a bit of anxiety over it man it’s going to be okay I promise I don’t even like shap my hands are feel like all like Twitchy see the thing is you guys are used to me doing this on my channel quite frequently and also it’s a pleasure I think Josh is this your first ever demon summoning yeah my first time ever witnessing one I think we’ve done like a lot of different like rituals and spells even in The Conjuring house and by other things like pagans and witches and [ __ ] but never nothing like this okay so are you nervous uh yeah kind of actually see you seem you seem a little bit less nervous like you’re more skeptical well that’s because we’ve been doing this for so freaking long now I feel like I’ve done so many other rituals where like they they did like all the Spells and they sacrificed things and in the end I was still okay so I feel wait a minute what you you guys have sacrificed things before it was it wasn’t like people or like anything it was like objects or yeah well we’re going to we’re going to present offerings tonight to keep in the Demon’s favor but yeah no off I’m sure we’ll be pleased to meet you I hope so and then we have Dan who I believe has only ever done one demon summoning with me how are you feel it’s not a bad idea all right well I’m I’m making it clear right now if I was to vote on a yes or no I would say not to doing this but obviously you guys want to do it I’m not going to let you guys go alone and do it I just think it’s a bad idea I think we’ve already had bad look on this trip um if you know we summon something and we don’t have the activity there and then it does it’s not to say that we have you know extended bad luck because of this you know this could shine a negative light on our trip and like for me I think like Final Destination stuff you know sumon in a demon like that we’re driving down the ball an hour and Demon just has its energy whips the steering wheel puts us into it car I have an idea we’re in Italy tell you what if we get bad energy let’s go get blessing well well I’m still down for going going to a church and buying those little plastic mry bottles full with the screw L the holy water and all that holy water and listen we should taste we should have really T some W because I would mind being DED with holy water when I leave the place all right so yeah if it all goes tits up tell you what we’ll go get some proper Italian holy water and we’ll bless ourselves okay okay if you guys think that’s a good idea let me know in the comments below and also if you think this is worth a subscribe and you aren’t already subscribed smash it like leave a comment hit that subscribe next time you see us we’ll be well actually at the grocery store see you in a bit Ali Pon deave for all your demon summoning needs hey Bro Look tonti prototo perotti is only 99 is it cents they use in Euros I don’t [ __ ] uh yeah 99 Cents yeah sounds good don’t have a clue what any of these signs say but let’s get some [Music] salt it’s not proper Rock it’s Mediterranean Salt 305 there’s a certain salt we need is salt salt you think no we just need regular salt but I mean we can get Himalayan salt no we’re not regular salt yeah just regular salt would that be the regular salt yeah probably pull that up how much this is 49 it’s all as him we need quite a few boxes or 35 No this this will be fine this feel how heavy that is I can see the volume of it there I can see the is not a very little ment that’s rock salt we just need we need rock salt I’ll tell you I one of each just for no I’m getting buy my own just for her own demon protection then I’m buying my own bro okay you don’t want your own getting yeah rock this is becoming seasoning demons at this right yeah well I’m just saying Rock Soul you know wash them Supernatural okay all right we’ve just arrived we’re going to get in during daylight but listen to those church [Music] bells this a sign we just got here this isn’t the building by the way this is just where we’re stashing the car while we go into the actual building which is over there that’s haunting though listen to the church bells I don’t like it it feels like an omen almost so they call us the Resident Evil Mansion here in Italy and it’s actually quite intimidating again as I said coming in in daylight due to the fact that don’t want to get caught with their flashlights out once it gets dark we’re going to get in there going to wait for Nightfall no matter how long it takes it should take about 3 hours I’ll give them time to get some footage that’s demon summoning time just look at that there’s your camera Josh is coming over go ahead and follow the uh Trail in the grass no one’s use this support better oh yeah still young baby still got it W here we go ho this is perfect it’s exactly what we need dude yeah holy [ __ ] minut absolutely door wide open that’s what makes it even special the whole table everything’s in wow it’s a nice find it’s a very nice find this will be perfect for what I need these boys don’t know what they’re in for tonight they don’t really do demon summonings that’s my area of expertise now we just wait for Nightfall that’s all I can do at this point I’ll see you guys in a few hours all right boys the time has come it’s completely pitch black outside and uh we’ve been we’ve been here for several hours now probably about 4 hours waiting for this moment we’re going to attempt a demon ritual we’re going to try to S an asteroth upstairs I think that would be perfect I’m going to walk you through the all the steps and we will see if here in Italy the holiest country on the planet if we can make contact with most evil of entities on the planet you guys ready I’m ready I’m ready honestly all right Josh if you could grab that wine that’s our offering tonight let’s all head upstairs [ __ ] this place really is creepy as hell though perfect Vibes for what we’re seeking to do tonight and I do believe that this is the perfect room right here in front of these chairs it’s almost Masonic in a weird way with all these chairs here I put the wine right there on the table yeah just leave it there for now that will be the offering but right now I have to set up the whole sigil so if you can give me just a moment to get all the supplies out okay we’ll start doing this I’ll put myag here okay I’m not going to lie I haven’t done one of these in my stomach everyone’s my stomach is feeling rough I’m nervous I got butterflies from hell at the moment Dan’s got tons of prodction um in a second you’re about to witness my second attempt at summoning asaroth nerves are high nerves are really high at the moment but it’s time ground all right we going red light or no normal light for this so you can actually see what we’re doing let’s just do this we don’t want knows what’s going to happen with this just make sure that is really perf it’s hard to see in Marble isn’t it I can see [Music] it right so the first thing we’re doing is drawing the S rest off each Dem has Sig himself he is known as basically one of the Supreme evil demons of hell right along with Ander [Music] [Music] [Music] that is KN it’s probably just me perfect right and then this is the symol yeah it’s hard drawing but it’s still here I can see it I guess we could have did in a different room but you would think the main are yeah probably would have been a bit clear but it’s still there you see it right yeah it’s there so this is just very briefly this is a symbol of asteroth every demon has an assigned symbol around them yeah what we’re going to do put salt Circle here salt they do say demons cannot pass through Salt so that’s to keep them in if you guys choose to put a salt circle around yourself that is completely up to you I personally will not be doing it I see Dan’s doing it right now you’re still safe cuz you didn’t start yet right cuz I haven’t said this I haven’t said the ritual yet so Dan’s cut surrending himself himself so when you summon it and if it does even work how would you uh get him out just end the inv vacation end it like yeah get rid of the sigil yeah I eduse a whole box of it make sure there’s no gaps can me get some of that bro I thought you bought some uh you br any salt I did I did it was I salt box Josh pick where you’re standing right here take it okay surround yourself make sure it’s F my box is empty now so I can’t use it all right stay in your circle [ __ ] all right Dave I’m going to ask you very nicely do you you have two hands can you hold and film double double wheel yeah thank you so obviously I’m new to this guy this is something I’ve never seen before so obviously I’m going to witness here with the camera okay so I haven’t indicated anything this is part you I always feel sick what I do this I hate this so we don’t no need candles or nothing oh sorry right you guys ready I’m ready for Hail astrona seeker of wisdom and Keeper Of Time Mighty Duke I humbly invoke you from the depths of Hell into your realm of man hear the prayer of your servants and Friends lend me your powers at this time reveal yourself in the Flames before me hail ASO hail ASO hail ASO now I must turn to the candle light and visualize his energy all of you staring to the cam light visualize his energy coming forward [Music] that’s it simple as that now let’s see if you communicated with us obviously all St your SOL cires at the moment no K has gone off yet that’s interesting where’s your dr6 start that well at least it’s not like the like ex say you see [ __ ] no no blood sacrifice instead an offering of [Music] wine everyone CL you but what was that just I just SE someone has to be here no that was a voice as off con forward I’m meeting you here in Italy I perform the ritual once more please speak to us in the advice in the hand all right I hit stop it’s about 12 seconds um I heard those footsteps that was a weird noise and I heavy breathing I didn’t know if it was you or something back there someone out this for a sec just for a second what was that will we C it said I’m coming I heard a whisker saying I’m coming pay over here yeah I’ll play it for yours too Dave don’t worry I’m coming said I’m coming I’m coming he’s on his way I’m going to play it for your camera too Dave just listen to it going I’m coming okay so what was that loud pitch noise that this caught this CAU the pitch listen right here we all heard that yeah day went no no that was before that that was the loud pitch did you not hear the loud pitch yeah hold that for a second it is weird though so as off I’ll stand that what the [ __ ] was that cut okay I heard a woman we need to we need to just if you hear something put your hand up okay just Cal as I’m in the circle use my energy use my low vibrations become stronger with it that one is I’m going to do one from in the circle as rooth if you are here clearly and with purpose make yourself known for [Applause] ASO I said make yourself known it’s interesting after I asked the second question if it went up to 15 seconds one of it’s going to be mine a couple seconds there was no um no further talking but there was a lot of talking up to that point oh I got cold shows listen to this [Applause] it’s like the weirdest creepiest whisper it sounds like volden we talking just play you almost can’t make it out you can feel like women un that’s something there we listen [Applause] to it’s weird because this doesn’t Define or say anything about the first voices we heard yeah which I generally feel like there’s people here but downstairs but I don’t know I think if there was any nor more people after he blew that death whistle that are gone they they that I don’t think there’s people crazy there people thees we heard earlier I’m like what the hell was that I mean I haven’t moved once there are any people here man for his sake you can play it back like I feel your pain pain right before I speak this question it just sounded like I feel your pain it could be sometimes it’s hard to make the DRS out right sounds like it’s yours just for a test yeah try that is listen I’ve gotten nothing but Italian response to see we’ve been here if we start getting English then we’ve got something different something that doesn’t belong Xbox scanning just a quick one just to see yeah yeah yeah [Music] I thought I heard the music box was there was a music box sound don’t know if it came from it was ours good it’s just a weird energy I’ve been so comfortable until now ASO if that’s you can you clearly with purpose say your name asaroth for me so I know that we have made contact I hear demon and demonic I’m the [Music] devil say if you br it just half the half the volume it’ll sound [Music] clear is that it astroth say your name so I know I’m in communication with you y above [Music] still a lot of Italian in there you want to know the weirdest part bro I don’t know if you even caught it when you asked to speak to him twice it said no instantly four times by a girl you heard a girl you don’t hear it I heard and said no twice when you asked to speak to him what’s crazy is we doll is summoning and this house is reportedly majorly haunted anyway but so no device so let’s not bring up how can how can he set off a device but assault Circle well leave it leave it in there yeah so one idea is what if we can speak to even the house owner and be like hey did you bury people in The Valleys here what’s it ground yeah so maybe we can speak to him can you make yourself known to us please perhaps blow out a candle set off a device in in the circle anything to give us a sign that you’re here we mean zero disrespect we’re doing this to be honest with you I don’t actually know why we’re doing this it’s just to see if we can communicate with you all right every everyone stop moving not the candles started moving around quite a bit actually but is there somebody here with us did you just hear that breath yeah that who the [ __ ] there was just a breath right next to us on him that was crazy no I know it just went let’s ask again there’s somebody here with us hello hello can you recreate the sise for us [Music] rest silent it was one you didn’t hear the one tap oh no I didn’t yeah it was one tap not three that was one it was yeah I got that okay hello can you recreate this noise for me please I don’t know why bro I know it’s quiet but I feel like I’m in danger or something is there an experiment you guys want to try anything at all honestly I was all eyes on you cuz this is out of my realm I I won’t do this again I just wanted to experience it once just to be honest I don’t really want to do a gol me no me either it freaks me out though like when you spit out the wine I know mind me a freaking dark [ __ ] like scary can we turn the hex come on yeah actually yeah yeah if I came here and did a normal ghost video that’s fine but after we did this after that that just in case nothing crazy has happened yet though we’re just getting danger could not work at all you know what I mean which low key I kind of feel a lot better if it do well the first word that came through is peace that’s a mess I mean neverless it’s deceiving cuz you know demons are meant to deceive and say the opposite [Applause] a 400 oldunion that’s the thing can you say something that would really prove it to me that there’s someone here Perhaps Perhaps wine Veno candle salt put the middle normally it takes ages comes out okay there was a knock just now behind you but I’m not going to chalk that up to anything what I am going to do yeah I’ll try mymp this AST if there any Spirit here can you make yourself known to me please is there any way you can communicate or use any of these devices the bars are going mental I’m just going to listen to it as it is [Music] there any what’s that demon right there I don’t know what that says but it’s definitely a weird dark like a dark growl thing never just play it for you real quick there like demon bro I don’t know what that is it’s something what’s that play Let’s he [Music] down what come to me you just [ __ ] said come to me holy [ __ ] come to me listen really did come to me no it’s not it’s me saying C is it yeah oh that scared the [ __ ] out of me bro like said come to me I was like people be able to at the audio and as soon as you said that I said cuz you spoke okay see that’s why we got that’s why we got to be so careful with Whispering cuz that sounded so much like come to me [ __ ] my are you sure that’s what it said though yeah cuz he spoke in I fault right I’ll speak I swear to God if I hit play and it says candles flickering afterwards we’re screwed yeah yeah all right let’s no not listening it says candles yeah okay scared the life out of me dude no no what do you mean sorry bro I was about to dip out this Manion as soon as she said say it you know no no seriously my God SC the [ __ ] out that honestly I just teared up in everything with the I thought it literally said come to me all right can we do one more then no I’m done no well you can keep going but that was it for me once I thought I heard me I was actually regretting this whole thing dude I didn’t know my camera’s doing why what’s wrong with your C what’s wrong with the camera what was it doing no that camera the red lights kind crazy yeah I want to I got to steal someone footage mine is blocking me I’ll give it to people all right we’re doing one more I’m sorry one more all right there but no Whispering this time okay literally I know that shot me up big time bro dude I’m done okay no Whispering ASO or any demonic entity I’ve have attempted to summon here today could you please make yourself known to me what’s that you just now who cried where are you that’s not okay bro that was a girl laughing that was I kind of want to move do you hear that yeah we all heard that bro no I heard it [ __ ] giggle dude on camera that up that was a woman not I know that was a yeah ASO is the demon of sex and fertility by the way also it’s not a male no well it’s neither male nor female well either way I’m done but remember demons pretend to be little girls bro no we just see the call on [Music] the that’s so messed up bro to me we caught it it’s so quiet though just we need we need to enhance we need to enhance it listen Dave we call it on camera wait sorry let me replay it we caught the little girl on the camera see if we got anything else we can c that you what’s that was that you just now C could have been could have been a yes where are you what’s that I don’t know it’s just that whispering voice that’s the problem with the Olympus I heard the little girl that was out loud that was out loud wow okay boys there’s something here why isn’t it coming out let’s call out again let’s see if we can get it let’s not call him out anymore I’m freaked out let’s just call out anything I can’t believe we just heard a little girl broke think risky moving out I I’m not in it at the moment but okay okay AST or whoever we may have summoned I expected more um we have haven’t had any real Intelligent Communication from yourself nor have we had any sign of you appearing with the devices that we have uh we will be packing up soon Sur it’s not every day you get this opportunity to speak to the human realm so if you’d like to say something now is the time otherwise we’re going to have to close it down and send you back there you all right guys so I have closed down the circle uh I don’t know what has happened but my camera stopped rolling uh shortly after we caught the little girl on camera I did close it down everyone is free to move around they’re and we’re calling it a night stop moving something something goes all right let’s get the hell out of here guys I do apologize some of that footage is going to be taken from these guys camera because my camera cut off and I didn’t even realize it while I was recording but uh you should have seen everything from well basically then all the way to the end uh I will get the footage from the boys here but with that everyone I hope you enjoyed uh click this link right here it’s an absolute Banger of a video don’t even think about it just click it and I’ll end it as we always do do you believe [Music]


  1. Asking for help and protection via archangel Michael is key here, also when summoning white light (love energy) as a protective wall against dark energies. God and (Jesus) as well as Holy Spirit (or Ghost per how one is raised) is always important too in the scheme.

  2. Hi good friends good to see your my homme your be safer it me Eric 1 love homme.and give my love to your families.👍😉👍👍😉👍👍😉👍👍😉👍😁😁😁😁😅😅😅😅😅👻👻👻👻👻

  3. I heard the noise of a girl in a background but sorry to say I did not hear nothing on the record I only heard is inference in a word I only heard like scrambled voices like noise but do not forget sometime you can pick it up on recorder sometime you cannot it would be different if all of the team wasn't in circles I think it would repair what that is just the part of protecting you bye if you are the biggest circle with all of the team in it and yourself I think he will turn up

  4. "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" 1 Corinthians 1:18

  5. See all these urbex ppl who are so robotic with investigating paranormal… it’s all about gadgets and devices for gimmicks. You have a deeper connection please keep stay on this path

  6. 👀🩸so… does a break in the salt circle bother you? Just curious. How do you feel about cutting doorways in your circle,instead of stepping over the edge in and out? 😕😔 I could not 🚫 do those things with any confidence. At all. At All. I just like my circle to be kinda nice and neat. Like it's supposed to be. It's called attention to detail. It's very important when doing magic ✨. But you know this. I'm really not trying to be a bitch. I'm trying to be a friend. I'm sure it's hard to tell. 😊


  8. This effect others watching this ? Inter dimensional, trans dimensional beings.

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