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The day is here! BASTA is open in the Little Italy area of San Diego and we’re bringing you one of my favorite recipes off the menu – Italian Chicken & Waffles!

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We really just have one goal – to make your food life better. Ok that, and be entertained at the same time. And have you learn a few things along the way. So let’s make it 3 goals then.

If you only want the steps to make something, like those vids shot from above with no people, no conversation no nuthin – then we are absolutely not for you. But if you wanna a little fun while you learn, then this is the place.

Cooking doesn’t have to be hard, it just has to be delicious.


[Music] today one of the greatest Chicken and Waffles you’ll ever have and wait till you find out where it came [Music] from it came from our newest restaurant here in San Diego bosta cocktails and Italian inspired eats just opened beginning of June I don’t know when you’re watching this beginning of June 2024 and if it’s June 2025 and you haven’t come yet shame on you because it’s delicious listen we wanted a fun menu Italian inspired and we’re were trying to think of what might be interesting and I thought uh let’s have a chicken and the second I said chicken chicken and waffles came to mind but everybody does Fried Chicken in a sweet waffle that’s not what this is this is not Fried Chicken it’s pan seared crispy skin oil beautiful the olives and capers and onions lemon it’s tremendous now the waffle it’s the best part it’s not a sweet waffle it’s a palenta waffle a savory palenta waffle there’s Rosemary in it it might just make you say I never want to have a sweet waffle Again Sam I only want a palenta waffle from bosta by the way Basta in Italian means enough like you’re arguing with somebody Max and I all the time we argue we argue one of us could go Basta that’s it we wouldn’t we’d probably say enough but you get it we’re going to get the waffle batter going then the chicken sear in the pan the olives all that business goes and it finishes off in the oven while it’s finishing in the oven we get our waffle cooked crispy and then the whole thing comes together and we’re manging I don’t think you can say that right manga means eat in Italian we’re manging sorry Ming monging munching what have let’s go dry ingredients first recipe below don’t write anything down flour palenta nice that’s what gives it a really good extra sort of crunchy texture in the whole thing baking flour baking soda pretty traditional waffle stuff with the exception of the cornmeal it’s a little sugar and then some Rosemary little salt we mix this and now the wet ingredients on the other side two eggs they get a quick beat then two more things 3/4 of a cup of milk and 3/4 of a cup of Buttermilk combine bring the dry ingredients to the front center and then the wet goes into the dry and we combine them beautiful this can go off to the side till we need it we’ll start our chicken that should be obvious it’s called Italian chicken waffles eat chicken in the restaurant we use a boned out thigh leg combination with just a little tiny bone sticking out but for regular everyday at home I think thighs are going to be your best bet not breast smacks I’m sorry but let’s do this let’s make these boneless we’ve done this before right here’s the bone goes from here to here you just want to take a sharp knife and just cut down the side to expose right here here and now I like to bring the knife now I’ve got this so now just down the side of each just hug the bone that’s what you want to do hug the bone and then a little cut that’s a bone that’s a little boneless thigh that we’ll put here and I’ll do the other [Music] two and there you go three bones don’t throw these away use these for stock right just throw them in a bag in your freezer and we’ll tell you what to do with them at some point okay now let me clean this we’re got to get this cooking our pan is on the heat we’re going to add a little butter some olive oil I love the combination of the two and while that’s melting we can season our chicken and all we’re going to use at this point is a little kosher salt and these are pretty thin so I think I’ll just do one side and don’t forget there’s a lot of salty brininess coming from olives in a couple seconds so we’re good and in we go these are not going on for very long just want to get some beautiful golden color my heat’s up pretty high won’t be b a couple minutes and after just seconds ah you’re not there coming coming coming not yet more color than that please and when you’ve got some beautiful color like this now we can flip gorgeous we’re going to go I don’t know about a minute and a half on that side we’re not trying to cook it through we’re just trying to give it a little color then we’re going to take it out Italian chicken and waffles okay we’re there just a little color on the bottom take these guys out and now comes some good stuff start with some sliced red onion onion give this a second and this little bit of butter oil in here is really going to help make everything better oh there will be more butter coming don’t worry so when they’ve had 30 seconds in the pan it’s add a couple other things next in some calam olives and you’ll notice I’ve left some hole and cut some in half it just presents better same with the castle vrono olives from Italy whole cut some Capers put a little bit of the juice in and now some lemon slices that I’ve cut like this they break down and they make it amazing so this comes together for a couple minutes I mean look you can get a sense of how beautiful this dish is already just by seeing what’s going on here and the smell o oof a marona I don’t know if they say that in real Italy but they say it in New Jersey Sopranos all right just let it work its magic for a second calamas castle vetrano Capers onions lemon this is the way we should be eating nice clean super healthy delicious and then I got to go and wreck it by putting a Savory palenta waffle with it that’s the best ever okay I’ll give this one more minute butter time the butter goes in there’s a bee here that’s making me crazy because do you want me to I will take you out and when I mean take you out I you know get was I think was you should should be careful well what what the am I supposed to do he wants my food he wants that chicken oh you’re going to get St all right two things before we put the chicken back in little white wine or vermouth let that bubble away all the alcohol will burn off oh but man this just got so much better so when about half the liquid is gone that will be very soon we introduce some chicken broth I mean we are dealing with chicken here people little more butter or as our executive chef Gavin who’s a Brit says a little more ba and then comes back the chicken okay Yoda I know I was just thinking I said that that’s how I say that sometimes and it’s weird for you okay this 350 oven till it’s about 170° all right chicken is almost ready so let’s make a waffle we open her up spray top and bottom as you would and then in goes the batter and I’m never sure on how much batter to use but I can tell you this more is better than less because with more you fill up everything with less you get you know missing sections and who wants a missing section not me if it comes out the edge I’m okay with that which probably will close it lock it give it the turn come back when the green lights on in the meantime I’ll be ready to bring the chicken out and everything comes together as predicted we’ve blowing out the rear it’s all right what did I say more is better than less you’ll see it’s still going to give us a beautiful waffle except I have to clean the up it’s like cleaning up a dropped egg well we’re there let’s open up and see look at that that’s a beautiful waffle man all right so here’s what we do let’s take it off ow ow ow ow ow ow ow put it down get rid of the waffle maker get the chicken and we’re plating that’s a crazy plate Max now we come back in with our chicken look at that look at this look at this what’s not to love before we bring the chicken out let’s get some of this beautiful stuff and make a beautiful landing spot see the whole olives the cut olives and the lemon see this little piece of lemon it’s almost disintegrating under the weight of the spoon so let’s put some chicken on here again we do it differently in the restaurant because we use a different piece of chicken but for home version this made a lot of sense to me and then a little bit of the sauce in here we go like this with our waffle back here and last but not least just a little fresh lemon juice over the top and a voila ladies and gentlemen bosta in San Diego’s Little Italy Italian chicken and waffles seen on the internet for the first time first time well it’s about as beautiful as it can get so let’s try just the chicken by itself first with a little Olive Caper onion lemon business so look what happened Max made me nervous everything fell off oh my God all right just have this bite right now Sam I know how to eat ladies and gentlemen I really do okay here’s my first bite here we go Italian chicken and waffles and the only thing that could make this bite better would be if I had it in bosta what what did I say I said if I get half this said bosta what the f is going on here bosta [Music] and because we use palenta which is a slightly larger grain than cornmeal you feel like the pente grit in the best way possible and then you use this to soak in all the delicious Juice near the end and just have at it all right well that looks like it’s it so just let me remind you if you haven’t hit the Subscribe button yet and you enjoy what we do hit the Subscribe button it just tells us that you like us because we love you look at the work we do for you and as a bonus to subscribers you could win a Sam the cooking guy knife we’re giving away one every video this year you’re a subscriber we pick a name we put on the screen like this you reach out to us at infothe cooking we’ll hook you up with a knife and by the way if you’re in a Little Italy come to bosta we think it’s delicious


  1. When cooking with raw meat, what do you use to clean/sanitize your cutting board and utensils?

  2. "Basta!" is not exactly a nice term for a restaurant. It would be like opening a diner called "I've had enough of this crap!" Like some place you'd expect to be served school cafeteria style food or left-overs.

  3. Sam, it's been three years since you told me to place these thigh bones in the freezer. What am I supposed to do with them? Please tell me.

  4. Ummm….I believe the name of your restaurant is missing a couple letters at the end…….BastaRD….There, fixed it for ya!!!😝😆🤣🤣

  5. i feel like a kitchen can never have too many knives. also the polenta waffle sounds interesting to use in other dishes too.

  6. Nice job on opening a new gig Basta. We’ll surely try it out when we get down that way! I’d love to try this chicken and waffle creation! LOOKS BASTA! 🥰🥰🥰

  7. Ive had chicken bones in my freezer for a year because you told me to do it! For god sakes man, TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!! ALOHA!!!!

  8. Okay, I might have to take a short drive to downtown SD. Haven't been there in a while, and this dish is making me hungry! 😅

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