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Dana White AMAZED By Italy Weight Loss Food

Dana White FLABBERGASTED By Italian Food

Christmas I went to Italy and Leno was like don’t be a [ __ ] [ __ ] and eat keto in Italy eat the [ __ ] food I ate what I wanted out there pizza bread all that [ __ ] I lost 5 lb it’s [ __ ] crazy the best food in the world tasting and you actually lose weight now you eat pizzas out here you feel like [ __ ] for 3 hours it’s weird man


  1. it is because Europe (where the good stuff grows) have been listening to: America no1 and europeans are all weak gay and have no nukes. So that goes to russia and asia. Enjoy pink paste and corn syrup no1!

  2. It’s cause America has dogshit food regulations compared to Europe. American bread isn’t even considered bread in most European countries

  3. Im visiting Italy in 5 weeks time. I'm going to live on pizza and expect to lose at least 20 pound. 😊

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