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When I make pasta like this there is nothing left

when I make pasta like this there is nothing left start by adding 3 cups of tomato sauce then add four teaspoons of granulated sugar also add 400 G of grated mozzarella cheese 50 g of grated Parmesan cheese and a 200 g jar of creamy cheese add 1 teaspoon of garlic powder 1 teaspoon of oregano 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika a generous pinch of black pepper 1 teaspoon of salt and a generous drizzle of olive oil now cook in a preheated oven at 350° f for 25 minutes into a large pan filled with boiling water add 1 teaspoon of salt a drizzle of olive oil and 500 G of pasta nests and cook for 10 minutes once the sauce has cooked through mix all ingredients very well then add all the pasta we’ve just cooked sprinkle some parsley to taste and top it with 100 G of grated mozzarella cheese take it back to the oven at 350° F bake for 10 minutes that recipe is ready thank you for sharing this recipe see you next recipe bye


  1. As an Italian I approve of this recipe. However l like all people you make the mortal mistake of adding oil to the water. This is a big No No 😢.

  2. Should have known not to watch the rest of the video with you second thing you did was put sugar. Then oil in the water what good does that do it just floats on top silly silly silly

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