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Why Are You Missing Out On ITALIAN WHITE WINES?

The world of white wine is vast and amazing, and today let’s drill down and look at one country’s production: Italy! While red wines like Chianti might spring to mind from Italy, there are some white wines from the boot shaped country that rival the reds in terms of drinkability, flavor, and fun! Learn about just a few of them today with us.

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🍷 Click here to learn about the white wines of Le Marche:

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About Vero:
Did you know that less than 1% of wines make it to US retailers’ shelves? At Vero, which means “real” in Italian, we are constantly looking for small production, sustainably made, authentic wines from farmer-artisans not yet present in the US market. Our mission is to create a community of wine and food lovers, small producers and businesses where passion is the common denominator.

when when start speaking of Italian wines often it is red wines that are first thought of Brunello Baro Kean for some odd reason the white wines of Italy fall in second place and that’s a real shame because there are some pretty good ones out there and we’re going to explore those today hi there I’m Jacqueline foro where we go around the world searching out wild and scarce wines not yet found in the US and bringing them to Consumers businesses and Distributors across the country and we just love it when one of these wine we find is an Italian white wine all up and down the Italian boot fantastic white wines can be found and they run the gamut of styles too dry and sweet complex and simple still sparkling whatever the palette occasion or preference there is an Italian white wine to match and one of the really fun aspects of Italian white wines ties in to the varieties of wine on offer from the peninsula Italy has an insane amount of indigenous varieties that are found cultivated and while you can find some really good chardonay or san Blanc and international varieties what is really fun in the Italian white wine scene is to find the different Native varieties that you can only really find here in Italy because these indigenous varieties are grown all over Italy from north to south they can also be known for their texture and their complexity more than just a cheap go-to white wine sipper and they add another dimension to searching out and discovering different Italian White white wine varieties but what are some of these varieties and why do we love them while there are some fantastic white wine Blends from Italy this list is going to focus on the monovarietal wines where you can really taste the grape itself if you want to hear more about some Blends drop a comment below and subscribe to our newsletter on to stay upto-date with all new content and products all right some wines to look out for try fulano from Frei Veneta Julia for a beautiful mix of acidity sapidity and gorgeous Apple flavors and from nearby Veno try out a classic prco made from GLA but you can also go the small production route and Branch out for a Bosa made in the sparkling petnat style for a fun new white wine and stay in Veno and we’ll find the champagne twist to your sparkling wine made with durella and heading back into still wine territory we find turbiana that makes a stunning lugana wine from Lake Garda and this is also a great wine for sharting n lovers looking for something new if you like sapidity and minerality in a white wine look no further than the bbal luche grape from pedmont which has a fantastic salinity that makes it so unique heading down the boot we find Foo from Romania which gives you a great mouthwatering acidity but still balanced also from Romana albana will bring you fruit and you can try a sweet version of it too to compare and contrast dry versus sweet heading down to nearby Tuscany you can find proano that actually makes an amazing funky natural orange wine like santal biano along the Adriatic Coast you can find amazing white wines like the floral parella made with trano abut or wines from made from machino in lar and all the way down in the heel of the boot in Pula you can try bomino Bianco in Kim or a uniquely herbal and semiaromatic Muto from pulia as well and all of these amazing wines and these are just a few of what you can find in Italy there are so many more that I haven’t even been able to talk about from Sicily CA and even other regions white wine lovers really can find a Haven to explore in the Italian wine world and you know if you want to discover more wines that are all handpicked by our somes here at Vero check out our award-winning Vero Club where you can get wine delivered monthly or quarterly and there might just be some Italian white wines hanging out in those ships it’s a fun way to discover and enjoy new wines and with our club cards filled out with all information you can learn about them too check out everything including member benefits on I’ll have it linked below and one last fast fact did you know that you can head over to the veros shop at to find all of the wines I previously mentioned in this video plus so many others that I didn’t even have the time to talk about they’re all available for sale and shipment directly to you and if you’re a distributor or business owner contact us about how we can help you get these Wines in your portfolios too so thanks for joining me today if you enjoyed this video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content like this I’ll see you in the next video which might be this one over here if you’re really interested in Italian white wines I’ll see you over there bye

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