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Guest Star July: #weirdsodaforlife drops the Boom Pop (wine) with Mr. Weird!

Hi there, and welcome back to #weirdsodaforlife! Or should I say, #weirdsodaafterdark…that’s right, for this Guest Star July spot, Mr. Weird and I are trying St. Julian’s Bomb Pop…oh, sorry, I mean BOOM POP wine. That’s right, we getting our aggressively blue drank on!

Now, we’ve tried Bomb Pop sodas on the channel before, and in fact, at least one of them (if not multiple ones) had Mr. Weird in them! So, let’s talk a little about St. Julian’s instead. Imagine you’re an Italian immigrant to Canada. Mariano Meconi, said Italian guy, decides to start Border City Winery up in Ontario, Canada in 1921 because when you move away from your home country, sometimes you want to drink a little. So far so good, right? But when American Prohibition ended, Mariano, ever the entrepreneur, moved the whole operation to Detroit and then named it after himself, because why not? Meconi Wine Company was born!

Fast forward to 1936. Meconi Wine Company leaves Detroit and moves to Paw Paw, Michigan. Why? Because apparently it’s in the middle of something called the Lake Michigan Shore Appellation (fancy talk for “hey, grapes grow great here!”). With the move came a THIRD name: Italian Wine Co. But by 1941, Mariano decided to honor his Italian hometown’s patron saint, St. Julian, and the name stuck. The cool thing about this is that it’s still owned by the OG family four generations later (like some of our soda companies we’ve covered) and is, according to their website, the most-awarded winery in Michigan. (I will say that their wines are often very affordable, and Mr. Weird and I took a trip to the winery with the Weird In-Laws several years ago. It was a lot of fun!)

And with that, will Mr. Weird enjoy this cherry-heavy wine? Will we break up because this is a bridge too far? You’ll have to watch to find out!

Next week, Guest Star July ends with the new exclusive Mountain Dew from 7-11 AND two new guests who haven’t been on the channel before! Join us then, and until next time, Drink Weird!

————————————————— – The winery!

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