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Classic Genovese Pesto, Orecchiette, Beans & Potatoes

Although the pasta is not traditional for the region, the pesto, beans and potato combination is. Pesto is homemade from fresh basil, parmesan, olive oil and pine nuts.

by emkay123


  1. TargetNo7149

    Orecchiette and pesto marry well. This looks delicious

  2. FollowingVast1503

    Looks like my grandma’s dinner. She grew up in Bari, Italy and emigrated to the USA when she was 16 years old.

  3. I automatically upvote any pasta Al pesto with potatoes and green beans

  4. consciousignorant

    That looks great! Trofie and orecchiette have both great textures imo, I’d have either with potatoes and green beans depending on what’s in the pantry.

  5. Alarmed_Recording742

    Pesto should be a good green cream, this should be grinded more imho, I see piece of basil that are a bit big and pasta is not much covered in green, but it’s a good start

  6. MrHenbane

    It looks like a typical bari dish called: “orecchiette with turnip greens.”

  7. Thin_Cauliflower_840

    It may not be traditional but it does totally make sense. I never thought about it but it comes in handy considering I can’t often find troffie where I live. Thanks for posting this!


    Looks good but desperately needs more pesto

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