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Sunday Lunch

Roasted eel, marinated zucchini antipasto, scagliozzi (polenta fries) and homemade gelato al mirto.

by ryzhana


  1. Old_Assistance8149

    L’anguela arustè! Sei ferrarese?

  2. Eastern-Reindeer6838

    Looks great and worth the effort. I had grilled or seared eel only a couple of times. Over here in the Netherlands we only eat smoked eels, which is great too!

  3. Old_Assistance8149

    L’anguela arustè! Sei ferrarese?

  4. MrHenbane

    Actually in Bari we call it “Capitone arrustut,” we eat this dish on Christmas or during New Year’s eve lunch!

  5. flower-25

    I love fry polenta. Your looks delicious. This remember my Country too. My mom fry the polenta or sometimes she boiled and spread fresh butter.

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