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Does Absinthe Really Make You Hallucinate, The Wine Lover’s Meltdown, Inventing Bloody Mary & More

In the video today, we’re looking at whether absinthe actually makes you hallucinate or not. Next up the hilarious story of the wine lover’s meltdown, and then the popular cocktail that includes a dehydrated human toe. Finally whether or not tapping a shaken can of soda actually reduces foam. Who invented the bloody mary drink. Where does the practice of pouring one out for your homies come from. Why alcohol content is referred to as a proof. How much it would cost to fill a swimming pool with booze. And why wine is almost always drunk in wine glasses instead of regular glasses.

0:00 Does absinthe actually make you hallucinate?
14:27 The wine lover meltdown
21:55 The popular cocktail that includes a dehydrated human toe
33:48 Does tapping a shaken can of soda actually reduce foam
45:32 Who invented the bloody mary drink
1:01:48 Where does the practice of pouring one out for your homies comes from
1:08:49 Why is alcohol content referred to a proof
1:12:24 How much would it cost to fill a swimming pool with booze
1:25:08 Why is wine almost always drunk in wine glasses instead of regular glasses


  1. What I remember from chasing the green fairy, with a true, highly rated absinthe is……the strange sensation of being totally lucid and sober….while at the same time being drunk. I never had this effect with any other alcohol drink. Only with a high quality absinthe. Each ounce mixed with slowly dripping cold water over an ice cube to produce the lovely louche.
    The truth is…..real absinthe does indeed have a different effect.

  2. your ancestors had not invented lsd yet for which world had to wait till late 20th century

  3. I was hoping this would put me to sleep, but it was way too interesting XD

  4. Last time i drank it in Australia i woke up with one hell of a headache and the taste of minty petrol in my mouth 😅

  5. i was telling my family how i don't get affected by any alcohol now so my nephew got a shot of absinthe and asked me to try it. I knocked it back and he sat there waiting for a reaction that never arrived

  6. Simon, living allegedly in Czech, is in unique position to "research" the production of local distiller Mr. Žufánek from Moravia – especially his St. Antoine, L'Anciene, and Dubied are worth trying, although the prices have grown to insane values, because the guy has become a sort of local "van Vinkle" of absinthe. Otherwise, the graphic material could be better prepared – especially the artificially colored glass of something horrible could be replaced with a photo of genuine absinthe, which is never "toxic green", but more of a color of tree leaves (French even have the term "feuille morte", dead leaves, because absinthe in bottle gradually turns from green to yellow as the chlorophyl decays).

  7. Nice call out with 2pac. That song is a deep cut. That album gets looked over in his large catalog. Love all your videos across all channels. I was a history channel kid in the 90s. This fills my ears during my 12 hour shift. Very boring job might as well learn some stuff.

  8. no, absinthe is just really strong. wormwood isn’t really psychoactive, and it’s only “active” chemical in it, Thujone, just has the ability to cause convulsions (fun!). you know what else has wormwood in it, to the point that it’s the main flavoring? Malort- the most disgusting drink ever, courtesy of chicago. is that hallucinogenic? nope. so why would the wormwood in absinthe be?

    absinthe is just traditionally very strong, and anyone drinking it straight (like a dope) would be hammered beyond belief. doesn’t matter what booze you drink, drink enough and you’ll be seeing pink elephants. absinthe just tastes nice, especially with some sparkling white wine (a la a Death in the Afternoon, tho not made as strong as Hemingway originally made it 😅)

    so no, if you drank absinthe and thought it felt different… that’s just the placebo effect messing with you. it’s just a strong herbal spirit. it’s not acid in a cocktail.

    edit: and you covered these points, so good on you Simon. no guillotine for you in the near future! 😉

    edit 2: yeah… wine snobbery is like 99% absolute bullsh!t 😂

  9. As far as Bloody Marys are concerned I absolutely hate tomato juice but the best Bloody Mary I have ever had was at a place called The Firehouse Grill in Auburn Maine. My friends and I refer to it as Mana juice whatever you did the night before it will invigorate you and fix it

  10. Okay! I've just done a lot of research on this and apparently, the old method of making absinthe does not contain enough oils to cause any effect. Most likely, these old drinks from the 1800s didn't actually cause the things it did. More likely, it was an easy explanation for the lead an arsenic poisoning everybody seemed to have, plus God knows what else these people were ingesting. A lot of food and drink manufacturing used harmful chemicals that were not know yet to be harmful. Also, pretty much every drug was legal back then. Modern absinthe contains distilled wormwood oil and the plants are genetically selected to produce WAY more oils, just like modern weed is. However, from what I read, absinthe doesn't actually do anything and actual blind medical studies reported no change in the effects reported by subjects who were given plain alcohol and alcohol with wormwood oil.

  11. i accidently inhaled alot of the stuff and i was seeing two kinda three😂 roads i was driving on😂😂 was trying to keep all three of me on the road😂

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