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9.4.2012 The Italian wine culture is older than thought #wine #italianwine #historyofwine

On September 4, 2012, a significant archaeological discovery was made in the region of Monte Kronio, near Agrigento in Sicily, shedding new light on ancient Italian wine culture. Archaeologists unearthed evidence of wine production dating back to the Copper Age, around 4,000 years ago. This remarkable find included large storage jars with residue of tartaric acid, a key indicator of winemaking. The discovery pushed back the known history of Italian wine production by several centuries and provided invaluable insights into the early development of viticulture in the region. It underscored the importance of wine in ancient Italian societies, not only as a beverage but also as a crucial aspect of their economy, culture, and social practices.

The Monte Kronio discovery also revealed sophisticated techniques used by ancient winemakers, indicating that early Sicilians possessed advanced knowledge of fermentation and storage methods. The archaeological findings included well-preserved grape seeds and other botanical remains, allowing researchers to analyze the types of grapes cultivated and the methods employed in wine production. This discovery has had a profound impact on the understanding of the origins and evolution of Italian wine culture, highlighting the long-standing tradition and significance of winemaking in Italy’s history. It has also spurred further archaeological investigations and research, contributing to a more comprehensive picture of ancient agricultural practices and their influence on contemporary wine production.


  1. Some of the world's finest (and most expensive) wines come from Sicily…so it shouldn't surprise us they have 4 millenia of viniculture traditions.

  2. And what is your point? Or better how much was spent on your acclaimed knowledge. And next was this money well spent?

  3. Remember Jacques Cousteau's son talking about growing up drinking old wine found in amphorae.❤👍

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