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Bambino’s – Dublin, Ireland

If you’re ever in Dublin City centre, grab a bambino’s. It’s the first thing i go too everytime.

Really big thick slices, draught drinks are great. They even have merch.

by Ok_Owl9641


  1. shockwave_supernova

    I can see why there’s such a long queue! Looks fantastic

  2. tylerhovi

    One of the better looking pies that I’ve seen from across the pond.

  3. DreamingNeanderthal

    Where’s the…


  4. Mistalee_123

    Looks great from a New Yorkers perspective

  5. Impressive-Step290

    Lol! American style in Ireland.

  6. tripledjr

    Ah one on here I’ve actually tried!

    It was very good.

    However if you’re in that area also check out Dublin pizza company, it’s just around the corner, a small shop they serve you from the window. I went to and enjoyed Bambino once while there, I went to the Dublin pizza company 4 times. Granted they are different styles.

  7. irishbren77

    We don’t have many slice joints in Dublin but this is a good one.

  8. CubicDice

    Irish living in the US, I was recently home for a visit and tried it. Holy fuck this rivals some of the best NY slices I had, it was unbelievable. I’m not surprised the lines were as long as they were.

  9. WhiteUnicorn3

    Logo font looks very ‘kimbo’. Good job

  10. little_lightning

    I haven’t lived in Dublin for years so just looked this place up. The average price of a pizza there is around €33. Is this normal now? What the fuck Dublin.

  11. Higs4nrg

    This couldn’t have been better timing. Going to Dublin from the US in 3 days. Good lookin za

  12. Artpeace-111

    I WISH I NEVER SAW YOU, I HATE YOU(PIZZA). You overblown crouton, ;(

  13. ATXnative89

    We have a bambino in austin I’m uncertain if it’s the same company(appears to be by design) I tried them once it was good pizza but Jesus for the cost I just couldn’t imagine getting it again especially when it’s counter service and they charge 20% tip off the rip. Not that Austin is known for pizza I’d take side eye pies over it.

  14. ppr1227

    That looks great. I’ve only been to Ireland once. The pizza I had was the worst I’ve ever had in my whole life.

  15. real_unreal_reality

    Wow never woulda expected a ny pie like that there.

  16. mAckAdAms4k

    Ok 🇮🇪, I thought this will be noothin but I was wrong.

  17. neverknowwhatsnext

    That’s a beauty. I’m hungry. 🙂

  18. JohnnyJokers-10

    Yes love seeing my country on here! I’ll have to try Bambino’s some day! 🇮🇪

  19. praisethesun747

    Um excuse me I believe pornography is against the subreddit posting rules…looks amazing!

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