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Italy giving Labour inspiration on migrants, and Keir Starmer can’t buy his own clothes

Ed’s back from Cornwall and he’s brought back a brand spanking new set with him.

Today we’re chatting about Keir Starmer’s trip to Rome to meet Georgia Meloni to discuss the migrant crisis, and potentially take inspiration from Italy’s Albania deportation scheme.

Then we stick to Keir Starmer news, after it emerged over the weekend that he and his wife have been getting thousands of pounds of donations in the form of clothing.

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  1. 15:50 What was so newsworthy about the Beysian was the fact that it was a multimillion pound yacht anchored in a supposedly safe place, with a lot of very wealthy people succumbing. The owner had just been cleared in a multibillion dollar lawsuit brought against him by HP Enterprise the previous week and bizarrely his business partner had died in a freak car accident a day earlier… Were their lives worth more than those who die in small boats? No, but definitely going to generate more clicks… And perhaps another conspiracy theory?

  2. one of the architects of the australian refugee detention is LYNTON CROSBY. Ava might have been thinking of exLiberal leader Alexander Downer. Awful Tory a bit like Rees Mogg. Got made Ambassador somewhere I think.. Australia still has that horrific offshore detention scheme, and the Liberals slogan (20 plus years ago?) was….. STOP THE BOATS coined by…. SIR LYNTON CROSBY.

  3. Speaking of clothes, why pander to sadiq khan a man who sees London nightlife failing as ‘progressive’ as it fits with his behind doors values. I don’t agree with all Ava’s positions but boy does he not respect you when cameras are off. Yiu should also ask sadiq why he socialises with lebdevev so much when the majority of readers of paper arent from London

  4. Oh goodness naomi Klein is pro conspiracy theatre. Are we suggesting all politics is just performance and you are just a couple of privileged grifters who view the mass attacks on working class as a price to pay for cheaper coffee

  5. It's easy to solve the "migrant crossing crisis". Just allow application in any British Embassy in the world so nobody needs to make the crossing to apply

  6. The Starmer cheerleaders are embarrassing themselves defending that cretin. He couldn't be more disingenuous. Austerity season 2, immigration advice from the Italian far right, and taking any free gifts he can get his grubby hands on. Indy ref 2 please.

  7. Ava pointing out that cutting foreign aid and the effects of climate change driving migration are points that cannot be repeated or stressed enough.

  8. Couldn’t care less if the prime minister and his wife are donated clothes. They represent our country ffs

  9. When Angela Merkel took in 1 million refugees in 2015, mainly from Syria, she did one of the greatest humanitarian acts in generations.

  10. You guys calling then migrants also contributes to the dehumanisation, call them refugees, thats what they are

  11. I think sometimes you should mix it up and add a flaming hellscape to your background. Just imagining you lot talking with a burning background is kinda funny (Plus representative of the state of this country).

  12. Oh this is like what they use on BBC. It's a green screen but with a 3D background. They're still just sitting in a green screen void

  13. The only people responsible for the deaths of migrants in the channel are the migrants and the smugglers themselves. The UK must open safe and legal routes to claim asylum in this country but let's not kid ourselves. France isn't an unsafe destination and therefore crossing the Channel to reach the UK and drowning is entirely their responsibility.

  14. Fishy Sunak no sky TV as a kid growing up now a joint income wife included of 200k getting clothing grant , these poor MPs dont half have it rough

  15. When I saw the headline on Sunday I suddenly felt like an old man shouting at the TV. How fucking hard is it to put some coast guards out there TO SAVE FUCKING LIVES. I don’t care where they end up but it is a stain upon our country that we can’t do something about this. It’s blood on British hands – where is this fucking Dunkirk spirit I heard about at school.

    I couldn’t bring myself to comment on the Grenfell episode because, frankly, it’s upsetting and I thought it was handled beautifully, tactfully and empathetically by Laura and Ava.

    But I’m so fucking tired of politicians refusing to stand for anything anymore they’re all just career nonces who ought to have their salaries capped at the level of their commitment to humanitarian causes. (Whatever the fuck that means)

    I was in Vietnam teaching English when Grenfell happened and I am haunted to this day by it not because I had any direct contact with the victims but because I saw in real time the perception of my country go up in smoke.

    I was watching on the news and it was late so I had no one to talk to I walked to the 24/7 to buy some cigarettes and the shop keeper asked me where I was from, I told him, the look in his eyes is what haunts me – he simply could not understand how this could happen – bear in mind this is a country where the union jack is worn as a fashion symbol. Something to show your belief in certain values, little five year olds have back packs emblazoned with it as they cling to their parent on the back of a scooter as they make their way to school hoping and wishing and praying that they could one day come to such great place…

    It fills my heart with such anguish and deep sadness that those same dreams are what drown in the channel again and again and again – Was it not two years ago a pregnant woman drowned in there in winter. Close your eyes and imagine making that choice stood on the shore. Imagine the fear she must’ve felt as the cold water hit her skin for the first time and the deep regret as the realisation set in that she was going to die. All because she wanted a better life for her unborn child.

    The callousness of this island is a far far cry from what I used to think this place and its values were.

  16. Starmer is running and visiting politicians around the world, because Brits at home can not stand the sight of him longer than few second

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