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the best meatballs I’ve ever had #homecooking #easymeals #italianfood


  1. That's so weird. for $50, you can buy enough ingredients to feed a family of 3 for a month on Italian food. If you're not watching carbs, it's really economical.

  2. Your boyfriend is right lmao paying $20 for pasta is fucking heart breaking😂😂 carbs are great, but you do need protein to feel okay.

  3. I’m sorry but what do you mean your boyfriend doesn’t believe in Italian food? Like he doesn’t believe it exists ooorrr did you just mean he doesn’t like it cause it’s Italy’s version of lo main 😂

  4. You can make a really yummy, quick marinara in like 30 mins. It won’t have the depth of flavor as the long cook ones, but it defo isn’t a sugar bomb like store bought sauce.

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