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EAT WITH ME + HATE COMMENT #ballerina#hate#ballerinadiet#rolemodel#food#travel#italy#pasta#hater


  1. especially when you dance your body needs proper fuel. it’s nice you consider your young audience, very sweet to be a positive role model. 💖

    i am so far outside of this demographic but i just love ballet. love all of your videos!

    i still need your P.o. box i have a betsey johnson ballerina necklace i bought in NYC id love to send you! it kinda just sits in a box since i lost the chain. she even has a pink tutu!

  2. Since you're a ballerina why don't you twirl the noodles with fork inside the large spoon they give you to make a nest before putting in mouth to chew instead of biting it off and letting it fall back to plate. It's Italy, learn the proper way to eat. Not like an American slop. I'd lose my appetite seeing food fall back from mouth. Oh and in Italy you should burp to show respect to cooks and that you liked it.

  3. People are so weird. Keep this up, I know you’ve got to be helping the young girls following you

  4. You’re able to eat what you want and maintain your weight because you are so active!! I think it’s a healthy balance! ❤

  5. When you do show actually eating, some people comment & complain you must be 'fake eating'. Now that you show you really do eat, you are showing off.
    Just ignore these people as you would never be able to satisfy them no matter what you do or say.

  6. “You eat a lot but are extremely thin” yes sir she eats to fuel her body because she works out more in a week than many people do through their whole lives. When are we gonna learn to stop commenting on peoples bodies and food intake

  7. Good for you! You certainly have a good appetite, and letting the young girls see is a very positive thing! Well done!

  8. You just can’t win when it comes to eating 😒. People get mad if you don’t post yourself eating, and then they crucify you if you do.

    I don’t think that commenter realizes just how much and how fast ballerinas and other athletes burn through calories.

    If you look at Olympic athletes and what their meals are, it’s beyond anything a normal person could eat in one sitting without getting sick. And they have to just to have enough energy to perform their sport.

    So yeah, they’re gonna be lean mean fighting machines because their metabolisms are a blow torch at maximum setting. There’s nothing wrong with that.

  9. I love seeing dancers who show how much food they actually eat. You, Tirion Law (Nat'l Ballet of Canada), and Ella Titus (Miami City Ballet) are three in particular who show just how much food/fuel a dancer needs to perform at their peak without undue fatigue or injury. There is a very real tie between under fueling, fatigue, and injury.

  10. I’m not young and not exactly a dancer anymore, and I really appreciate the work you do. It is important and essential to unraveling the toxicity in the culture.

  11. This looks delicious, but I can't do tomato like I used to be able to. Lori, you are a lucky lady!

  12. Thank you for approaching all of the taboo subjects and encouraging healthy habits and healthy dialogs.

    It is hard to put on weight when you are dancing 7-10 hours a day. You need a lot of fuel to have the muscle power required to be at the top of your game. Some of us may not be active enough to work off daily Gelato, but I love that you can when you are in the best place to get it! They missed the fact that you have very reasonable portion sizes. Please eat all the Gelato, pasta, veggies, ect you want! ❤

  13. You're a positive role model for anyone, even your less young audience ❤ I've got EDs and that's partly because of ballet. Your videos about food heal me

  14. Wish I knew about you a while ago. I got into anorexia and bulimia and my body is still messed up.
    Lack of protein has given me several brain problems that can not be fixed. I have bone death from not eating.
    Lori, thank you for trying to help girls.
    I was constantly told by directors to not eat. When I got below 96 pounds they still said that I needed to lose weight.

    Girls listen to lori, and dont get obsessed with disordered eating and food denial. ❤❤

  15. My cousin was a dancer her whole life, and sadly was dead before she was 55. There were a lot of reasons for that, but a lifetime of eating disorders was probably the deciding factor. So thank you for demonstrating that a dancer can be whole and healthy and enjoy food and fun and life and still be dedicated to your craft. I hope the younger dancers are paying attention!

  16. Do you speak Spanish? I mean you must at least understand it because your mom speaks to you in Spanish but I wouldn't have guessed so. Saludos desde México ❤ I love your content ❤❤

  17. Loved everything you said. And I love that your mom is there with you I lost mine and I miss her so much. Cherish these moments together 😊

  18. Ofc you’re thin you are extremely active. You have a good balance of eating food. I don’t think you’re too thin at all you’re perfectly fine

  19. U are an inspiration! One can worked their butt off & enjoy the fruits of their labor. I love ur content. The art/dance 🩰 u do is the toughest out there. Love how u are sharing ur experience with us. 🧘🏽‍♀️🩰💕 May the God/Universe/higherSpirits protect u on ur flight home and from any shady energies. U got this! ❤❤

  20. You're not bragging; you're simply having a good time. I enjoy seeing your ballet content, but I also appreciate that you are doing other things outside dancing. It shows balance and that you aren't too strict. Enjoy the spaghetti! ❤

  21. That person obviously doesn't know how much training, ballet classes and professional dancing you do.
    We've loved watching you in Italy 🥹 and that food 🤤
    You are an amazing role model, it's so obvious that is your intention and to share your ballet life is so beautiful 🩷

  22. “Woman who trains professionally for 6+ hours a day for a living eats plenty of nourishing food but somehow remains lean” more at 6 🩰 it’s not rocket science is it. As a mother of a 10 daughter who loves dance and dances myself your channel is awesome 🙂

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