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GOAT CHEESE HOT HONEY PIZZA w/ a side of advice #pizza #dinner #cooking


  1. I don’t understand why people let their kids have Snapchat. It’s full of pervs, people looking for underage kids, and people sending nudes.

  2. I as a kid hate Snapchat. It’s my least favorite social media and that does includ Facebook and goddamn my space. The top 8 spaces were clean

  3. Normally when I complain, it it because I have already ran through the solutions in my brain, but I don't want to do any of them.

    "Oh, this ingredient has gone bad- I can either not use it, save it, or run to the store for more, but I don't really want to bake something else, and I don't feel like running to the store, and it is unsavable" for example, and I migjt complain out loud saying, "man, this sucks, this ingredient has gone bad" and I already KNOW what I can do to fix it, so you telling me this is annoying, but I still want someone to validate that I have to make a decision to fix the problem, but still has cons to it, neither of which I want.

  4. Can you please do Kabsa chicken soo yummy from Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 please do it it’s worth the trying ❤❤❤❤❤

  5. I genuinely dont understand the hot honey on pizza its not good together but hot honey on friied chicken? Hell ya

  6. The trick with acting as if the story the kids tell is the biggest thing ever, letting them complain without providing solutions works on husband's too. Mine doesn't want solutions. He just wants to rant. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  7. I found out that I like cooking. I just need all the ingredients there and have about 4 hours to work with uninterrupted lol.

  8. Ask questions too, let’s them know you’re paying attention. I have 4 girls and I ask them everyday when they get home what happened at school today. Could be a quiz, something they did in art, or an interaction with another kid at school. I’ve been doing this since preschool so they’re all used to telling me something about their day when they get home.

  9. Both of my kids use snapchat and have for years. If you are parenting right, this shouldn't be an issue. My girls also love to tell me about the horrible things their fellow peers do. We have a very open line of communication in our home and that is honestly where everyone should be. Otherwise you'll have exactly what you're worrying about here.

  10. Better tell them the truth why Tiktok and Instagram are a no-go for your children. There are bad people out there, and they have a gross fetish involving young people and trying to hurt them. So it is important to protect yourself to learn about stranger danger on the internet.

  11. My niece used to stay on facetime for hours with her friends… I was like "Why?" If I want to tell my friend something after hanging up, I just call them back… like a normal person. I think at 22 she grew out of this habit, thank god.

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