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Giuseppe Garibaldi: The Cost of War | Unifying Italy | Extra History | Part 4

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On the run from enemy forces, Garibaldi carries his wife Anita—six months pregnant and suffering from malaria—into a farmhouse, desperate for a doctor. The couple has been fleeing for weeks and is worn down. An with Garibaldi’s Redshirts disbanded and his resources exhausted, he’s at a breaking point. Tragically, by the time he reaches the top of the stairs, Anita has passed away and this marks a heartbreaking chapter in Garibaldi’s life as he loses his revolutionary partner amidst the chaos of war.

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*Miss an episode in our Giuseppe Garibaldi Series?*
Part 1 –
Part 2 –
Part 3 –
Part 4 –
Part 5 – Release Date: 9/28
Series Wrap-up & Recommended Reading / Lies Episode – Release Date: 10/12

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Artist: Nick DeWitt | Writer: Robert Rath | Researcher: A. Siso | Showrunner & Narrator: Matthew Krol | Video Editor: Devon House Creative | Audio Editor: Clean Waves | Studio Director: Geoffry Zatkin | Social Media: Kat Rider | ♪ Music by Demetori: | ♪ “A Distant Enemy Approaches” by Tiffany Roman

#ExtraHistory #Italy #History


  1. Need some comfort food after hearing about the Unification of Italy? You can visit and use code “extrahistory” at checkout to receive $30 your first box + free croissants for life! Serving you buttery pillows of comfort straight to your door.

  2. As a piedmontese, i can’t get enough of hearing once more the story of the people whose name was engraved in the streets i walk.

  3. gets to the bit about Ireland – ah so that's why isn't talked about or referenced where I'm from like other contemporary revolutionary figures of his stature from the same time period… interesting to know.

  4. Antonio Meucci isn't "some times credited" he is the inventor of the telephone as recognized by a resolution of the House of Rapresentatives of the United States

  5. Also is important to say that Cavour wanted an alliance with France because they were protectors of the Pope, so if they stepped foot on papal soil the French army would’ve intervened. By being allied the French basically allowed the Papal state to be annexed into Italy.

  6. Wow! Beautiful videos so far, pretty good and honest the in-depth analysis in this episode for such an accessible format! My expectations for what is to come have actually increased a bit…

  7. One interesting fact I learned from another YouTube channel is that one of the assassins had a British passport. From what I can tell his name was Felice Orsini. That incident apparently caused the UK government to strengthen the passport system, so that passports would be seen as a form of identity.

  8. Maaaan, so there are so many blanks I have in world history. Thanks again for all the stuff you do. All the major reunifications like for Italy and Germany were never covered in my background.

  9. Just remember kids, all those who died for Italy to be unified died for nothing, because now Italy is being invaded by hostile forces and the government is welcoming the invaders with open arms.

  10. Antonio Meucci is "sometimes credited with inventing the telephone," because he did invent the telephone. Graham Bell worked for Meucci, stole the plans, and patented it before Meucci had a chance too. Meucci took Bell to court, but died before the case was resolved.

  11. As a Yank, Garibaldi always reminded me as a sort of Italian John Paul Jones, so naturally he just happens to be a favorite historical figure of mine.

  12. As a side note Metternich, the long time Austrian diplomat known as the architect of Europe said this about Cavour

    "in the current affairs of Europe there's only one statesman that is worthy of this name, unfortunately he is set against us"

  13. 2:10 Wait, not "sometimes". In the year 2000, the US Congress stated in an official document that, from that moment on, Meucci should have been officially recognized as the official inventor of the electric telehpone, since Bell stole his invention and bribed the judge when Meucci called him in court.

  14. Ah, so he was a monster who didn't have any courage to say "starving people is evil" to the UK government. He is an evil man himself, no hero here.

  15. So Napoleon III is persuaded to ally with Piedmont-Sardinia by a letter written by a man who just tried to assassinate him? The Count of Cavour couldn't manage that?

  16. Uh, hey @extrahistory! Sorry to bother, but I can't seem to find part one of the Garibaldi series anywhere on your channel. It's not a part of the "all episodes" playlist and I haven't been able to locate it. I figured you'd want to know ASAP so I'm putting this here for you. Looking forward to watching this part!

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