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Ref 738 : €29,900
The price includes all fees and taxes.
It can be yours in 5 simple steps. Contact using ‘Video property 21/09/2024’ as the header to your email if you are interested in a remote purchase (Emails are dealt with in date and time order).

This property is incredible value and could be something very special. The great thing is that you can actually start using it pretty quickly just by completing the bathroom and in time let your creative mind go wild.


If you are interested in this property and are considering a remote purchase then please email us at using ‘Video property 21/09/2024’ as the header to your email.

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Our property videos are very popular and most tend to sell quickly. We deal with emails in date and time order to be fair to everyone who is interested.

The property that is still available in this town can be found here

• FANTASTIC Italian property in a beaut…

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  1. Yes a large bathroom, bedroom suite upstairs with stone revealed in places. On the area above stairs I would build book cases/display case with lighting. Love the idea of Living room downstairs with rustic kitchen. Love this property so much and all the expensive items have been done. Thank you!

  2. I would make primary bedrooms on the top floor and ground floor with en suite baths. On the upper room I would put a walk in closet above the steps so there is not much weight. Then have the kitchen/dining/living in the middle. I would put a laundry and small sitting area when you come in the front door. We love a dark bedroom for sleeping and that area would be excellent on the ground floor.

  3. This house is a piece of a large house? In my opinion it's very uncomfortable but on the ground floor, for those who buy it, I would leave the cellar to make a pantry. If there had been a window, a beautiful Tavern would have emerged 😊

  4. As always, I enjoy your videos a lot! Meanwhile, can you always let your audience know how far away the airport is?

  5. I just love this house. Gorgeous. I would do the renovations exactly how you suggested. It would be absolutely beautiful. Great find.

  6. Looking at the walls of the cantina, unless it’s your lighting, Dave, it looks like there’s a change in wall color. There may have been a floor at the same level as the kitchen at one point?

  7. I like the house. Good value for money if you look at renovation needs and what has been done already. But there's no light coming in as windows are only to one side. No matter how you arrange the rooms you end up with a dark bedroom, lounge or kitchen.

  8. Totally on the same page with the suggested layouts. I was thinking the same when each room came into view. Make the main bedroom at the top with an ensuite. The area over the stairs to be a wardrobe hanging space. This is a lovely space, despite the many stairs, but the outlook is pleasant and the town is a great size.

  9. Nice people, got us through the house purchase but unfortunately fell short on delivering the full service promised. Dave ghosted us as soon as the papers were signed (easily could have sent a quick text to say his wife would be dealing with the after sales stuff) and shortly after, Silvana stopped responding too. Never got my partners codice fiscale (as promised), charged more than originally quoted for assisting with utilities and notary fee, didn't engage with us for connecting gas and getting Internet (as promised as part of the utilities package we paid for), no receipts or breakdown of costs provided for taxes, notary fees and their own charges, wouldn't even meet us in person to collect the keys (it was a remote purchase) even though we were happy to drive to them, so instead the house keys were left in the unlocked cantina 2 weeks before we arrived in Italy, this was done without our consent and I didn't feel comfortable with this but was only told after the fact and felt i was being dramatic by being concerned about this. Supposed to organize paying our IMU tax, which we were quoted for (later quoted double the original amount we were told) but they didn't respond any more after giving the runaround for 2 months, promised to sort it and send invoice and ended up having to find a different professional to organize this, was late paying as a result. Still unsure if/when I should receive a certified copy of the house deeds. I'm sorry to put this comment on a public forum but I haven't had any further correspondence from either Dave or Silvana, was looking forward to meeting them and having a reliable contact to advise and help (for a fee) but they seemed to just be done with us once their fees were paid, what a shame.

  10. Top floor as living/dining room, see if you can add a window in back and expand the door to the balcony. Punch another window into the hall on the second floor, and you have two bedrooms with an ensuite. Entrance hall loses the sink and the cupboard. Entire basement becomes a grand, two-floor bathroom. Punch a window into the basement somewhere.

  11. We have friends have spent well over 70,000 euros to get a similar house to this superb blank canvas, structure etc
    …what z price.
    Frank and Tanya

  12. I would use the top floor (3rd floor) as Kitchen, Dining, and Living-room, add a 2nd small fireplace next to the chimney that needs finishing and could be tied into each other to exhaust both, keep the 2nd floor bath and bedroom, and make the entry 1st floor/basement a sitting-room bar area with coat-closet, large comfy wing-back-chairs and turn the basement area into a bedroom en-suite with added bath, dressing closet, and laundry. Or could put a laundry off the 2nd floor bath landing. On the ledge over the stairway on the 3rd floor I would put a large glass wall and use the platform for bar area and/or open shelving. This home has some real beautiful potential, love all the stone, but would keep the entry plastered/painted.

  13. It makes sense to camp out in the house and let it dictate how best to renovate. There are so many possibilities that I wouldnt want to make quick decisions. Finish the bathroom, get some power on and see how it goes.

  14. I’d do a big built in closet over the stairwell in the top floor bedroom/attic. And create a separate bed sit in the bottom basement

  15. Oh David,how I adore it when you get excited with a property like this. On this one I think it would be helpful seeing one or two totallly completed spaces that are similar to but fully restored. I think i would be of great help especially for those that have a hard time seeing how glorious this one could look once completed. Whats your thoughts, Dave. Is there any5th posibility of seeing a completed space? I think it would be a marv. idea.

  16. Nice that it is strengthen and all it needs is cosmetics and a bit of restoration, but the stairs are dangerous. It's why I decided to say no to 3 home views.

  17. Unbelivable price and so many possibilities, maybe even possible to install a small balcony on the last floor.

  18. Kitchen on all of the ground floor with stove etc downstairs and the front area with the flre place and cabinet a foyer. Agree that the top floor should be a master suite with small shower etc. The little platform over the stair can be a closet. On the next floor a bedroom in the area with the cut out window and a lounge with sofa bed near the bathroom side for guests.

  19. Vittorito is so beautiful, and on the top of our list of possible places where my family and I will eventually live when we move to Italy. We are dual citizens. So our home there will be our home to stay in and not a summer home. My favorite one Dave has shown from there is still #292, the blue home that he already sold a couple years ago. But this is nice too.

  20. On the third floor, I would definitely make it a bedroom with a larger bathroom with a tub…Maybe open up that door a little if you can…that little ledge by the stairways on the third floor I would put in a Sauna there…I always wanted a Sauna so that's where I would put it…i think that ledge is too small for a bathroom…the first floor I would make a kitchen and a sunken living area…a creative person would know exactly what to do…the place definitely has potential

  21. interesting place for sure. I don't think a good architect would agree with your idea on that dungon room.. I really don't like that dark cave of a room. I have to wonder if there wasn't a floor in there at one time. surely that was a wine cellar. I like the kitchen as the entry point even the rustic cabinets idea. Still a little tight though. I love the upstairs rooms a lot. I'd have to hire a good architect. I'd screw it up by my self. why are there no windows in back? is there no entrance to that low room from the outside?

  22. I really wanted to see the rest of the place, but honestly, I can't listen to you prattling on. And it's all very well saying put the volume down but anyone interested in the property might want to know about its construction etc not all your half baked ideas.

  23. Add a floor in the unfinished area off the entrance to divide and create a wine cellar below and living area above. On the middle floor master bedroom walk in closet and bath. Top floor add a full bath like you said and bedroom. Search for walls throughout to add windows.

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