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Granny’s making her fathers recipe from Carloforte Sardinia #badgranny #italian #couscous #tunisia


  1. @GrannysOffHerRocker, ❤💯 Oh Granny, I love hearing you speak the language & A wonderful recipe as well. It's so wonderful to see your beautiful face everyday, I wanna meet you one day, Love from South Carolina.💯💜🌺💋❤️

  2. Make sure you have grandma write down all of her recipes so you can carry all of them on with other generations. I wish I had my grandma,dad,and mom do that before they passed away. Also love you lots grandma. ❤❤ And also Nancy and the rest of your family. ❤❤❤

  3. I’m Italian too and I love listening to her talk and explain! I love artichokes too . She’s in rare form today , I love this ❤

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this… I miss all of my grandmother's stories and cooking with her… What a treasure… 😘🫂

  5. I love her like my mom and she has passed away. She would make food and tell me stories. I miss her very much. Nanci treasure your mommy

  6. How could you ask her about BUYING IT IN A STORE? Did you see her look…..possibly to kill, in store already made.

  7. I ❤ you Granny!! Please adopt me!!! 😊😂😘😘😘😘⚘⚘😎👏🏻👏🏻

  8. Granny reminds me of my grandma and my great aunt I called nonnie. God bless her for cooking beautiful homemade meals. Italians cook forever.

  9. Granny I didn't know a word you were saying but I enjoy hearing you talk Italian I hope your dinner came out fine for you I'm sure it did you can teach Nancy how to do it love you

  10. Granny you look beautiful with that dress & that hair band. I like watching Granny cook. She makes my day. Bless you & your Family. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

  11. Love those emotional Italians, they are so simple & real just like Ukrainians 😄

  12. I just wrote a comment to another yt video that i love cous cous.

    Then this video is on my home page.

    I had no idea how cous cous was made. This was awesome to see.

    I love artichokes and cabbage too.

    Your grandmother is very funny but so genuine.

  13. Granny I'd love to know what you were singing 😂 I absolutely love listening to your stories about when you were a wee girl and your videos are longer. I could sit with a coffee and some cake and drop my daughter off at school then come home, start watching you until the school run again 😂 I'd happily do it, I love you granny, Nanci, Albert ❤❤❤

  14. Good for you granny you are teaching so blessed are we to be able to hear your words of historic history…bless you for your recipes and the knowledge you donate to those who are willing to listen and learn…bless you nonnie😘

  15. There's nothing like making homemade food from your youth. I like doing it as well. My favorite is Irish pot roast. That my grandmother used to make. I love making that on top of the stove, with mashed potatoes and carrots and gravy And dinner rolls nothing like it.

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