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White sauce pasta

White sauce pasta

by BrilliantMark09


  1. Early-Pin-8772

    That looks creamy and delicious! White sauce pasta is always a comforting choice.

  2. Xianna_bb

    uffff what does the sauce contains? Seems sooo delicious

  3. -Invalid_Selection-

    Why is their corn in your pasta?

  4. Aggressive_Form7470

    i will never understand the random smattering of dry herbs / spices on the top of food.

  5. Viva_la_fava

    If it’s homemade, you could list the ingredients and preparation. White sauce is rather vague 😅

  6. mumblerapisgarbage

    Again with the corn? Why are so many people adding corn to their pasta?

  7. This is some joke no? I have seen this photo today already with the title carbonara 🤔😆

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