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Disturbing Facts About Rome You Never Knew!


  1. Rome didn’t fall Rome just changed her name or should we say their culture?
    They became the Catholic Church do your research quick believing these manipulative liars

  2. Lead is also responsible for criminal antisocial behavior – so I’ve often wondered if this is why they conquered the world and then killed each other off. Jesus… crazy to think that less lead would have changed trauma patterns we are still dealing with

  3. Gladiators rarely did fight to death, training them was too expensive. They did cut each other in arena a lot, but Romans experst on dealing that kind of wounds. When someone did die in arena, it was either some untrained slaves or later Christians…

  4. This is all false, the baths were communal but you had privacy rooms in all of them, and you normally entered with a towel the stablishment lent you, the sponge was used in the same way we now use the toilet scrubber, it was used to CLEAN the toilet, not your butt, because their toilets had RUNNING WATTER that was used to clean yourself, we do not have that today, only the japanese.

    Gladiators did not fight to the death, they were elite athletes that had a career and normally they ended it with a very nice pension

    They sold their sweat in small ampules as aphrodisiacs, not their blood! and the epilepsy part is just ludicrous.

    The Lead was used frequently associated with pressuriced water, and thus ITS NOT AN ISSUE, because LEAD creates a coating that isolates it from the air when submerged in water, and that oxide coating makes the tubes safe to use them for water piping with no health related problems.

    please make more informated videos, this is just false information

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