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This recipe is almost 50 years old, it was a hit in the 70s and 80s


  1. adinan roti
    370 gr tepung terigu, 1 sdt garam,280 ml air hangat, 1/2 sdm gula pasir, 10 gr raggi bubuk kering, campur ketepung. tambahkan 40 ml minyak sayur, n biarkan adonan mengembang.

    1 tangkai parsley,5 siung bawang putih parut, 40 gr keju parmesan parut, 50 ml minyak sayur, 75 gr mentega tawar cair,

  2. In the US where do you find a measuring cup that has milliliters in grams on it Even the bags or the packages that you buy the stuff in does not have that! How do you expect us to make these recipes if you don't put it in United States approved measurements?

  3. Mixing tablespoons and grams… what's next? "Add one tenth of a hogshead of water. Preferably well water from a 300-hectare farm. And a skoche of baking soda. Finally a giant sh*t-ton of butter."

  4. Why don’t you forget about the grams and this and that and just say you know need a cup of water you need some oil whatever but all this other stuff I don’t understand it and I’m sure a lot of other people don’t either. Just say it in English a cup a teaspoon whatever.

  5. Why are we being given recipes in grams and milliliters? Most really good bakers and cooks still use cups. Ounces, and such…this is B.S.

  6. Yeah, but i was alive in the 70's and 80's, worked in multiple restaurants, and . . . I'm calling bullshit. WAS NOT A HIT.

  7. 375 grams wheat flour
    1 tsp salt
    280 milliliters warm water
    Tbsp sugar
    10 grams yeast

    Mix wet with dry, there add 40 milliliters vegrable oil knead into dough
    Cover let rise till double
    Mix one sprig parsley
    5 cloves garlic grated
    40 grams grated Parmesan
    50 milliliters vegetable oil
    75 grams unsalted butter melted
    Mix together
    Take risen dough Cut into 16 even sections ,dip in butter place in a 26 centimeter diameter baking pan , top with 90 grams grated Parmesan cheese, place in a preheated oven 350-degree and bake for 25-30 min.
    And serve with spread of choice.

    Your welcome

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