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The Food Problem in America is Out of Control ……

Corporations have allegedly tainted the food industry People simply don’t trust most of the food in America anymore. The cost of living has impacted every Generation. Most people are totally over the old way of living. There is no more middle class. Every thing has been gentrified from housing , cars People not being able to find a decent paying job and the cost to live is getting way out of hand . Gen Z and Millennials No Long Want to work towards nothing.

Support Makebs Bagel & deli if Your in Palm beach County Florida
West palm beach and Royal Palm beach ( Down town location not included )

Red Leather Podcast
My 2nd Channel @JackMorgan2.0
Jack Morgan: @jackmorgan_RLP

Any support is much appreciated Like , Comment , Subscribe all that jazz

Time codes
0:00 – Intro
0:35 – Anything in a box with a label is not to be trusted
1:40 – Fast food Danger
2:38 – Smoking vs. eating french fries
5:32 – Soda is the worst thing for your health
7:58 – Grass fed isnt what you think it is
8:50 – Vegetable oil , heart disease , obesity
10:27 – American food vs. other countries
11:10 – Birth control in food
12:39 – The Dirty Truth about American Agriculture
14:29 – Something to think about
16:00 – What to eat

#corporate #millennials #genz #food #fastfood #health #boomers #economy #inflation #costofliving #hyperinflation #strike #genx #jobs #jobmarket #layoffs #college #genz #studentloans #debt #comdey #cars #carpayments #housingmarket #rent #burnout #recession #finance #independent Hyperinflation #middleclass #middleclassfamily #9to5 #vanlife


  1. You have to reject everything in the grocery store except meat and veggies. It’s tough especially when you have kids. Everything is processed.

  2. All I eat any more is meat, beans, vegetables, milk and cheese, some rice, occasionally, and high protein pasta. Very little simple carbs. Noting processed: single ingredient foods (except the high protein pasta and cheese, I don't make my own).
    What people are really looking for in grass fed beef is pasture raised, and almost no one does it other than local small farms.

  3. I only go to the grocery store for the staples anymore. Fruits, veg and meats I go to local farmers for and we have our own avocado tree so we have plenty of fresh options. To knock soda out of the way (since I realized I was more so addicted to the carbonation than the taste of soda) we got a soda stream and just make some carbonated water and if we are feeling frisky we can put fresh juice into it and turn it into a fresh "soda". I only purchase olive oil from Italy because they are the only ones who keep it pure at this point. Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil with the Italy sticker is 100% the way to go.

  4. I dont even wanna eat the veggies or fruit either at grocery stores. Chalk full of pesticides and growth hormones

  5. @7:05 – HFCS breaks down in the exact same way every sugar breaks down. Our body knows EXACTLY how to handle it. Turn it into glucose and store it as fat if there is too much to use.

    If you eat a lot of fat along with a lot of sugar you activate the Randall Cycle. This prevents the HIGHLY toxic glucose molecules from entering your cells which allows them to GLYCATE your red blood cells rather than other, less easily replaced, cells. Glycation is a destructive process so your body choses the lesser of two evils and allows your blood to be poisoned rather than less replaceable muscle cells.

    Oversaturated glucose in the blood is, in my opinion, the cause of dementia/alzhiemers/neural degenerative diseases. If one removes ALL forms of glucose from their system, except endogenous glycogen, then these diseases are curable, reversable, and preventable. The same with Nearly All FORMS OF CANCER, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders.

  6. @7:50 Soda and Cigarettes… you need to listen to Cally Means. A former coca cola insider that explains the link between Cigarette companies and processed food companies.

  7. @16:00 – You are describing addiction. She is an addict as well.

    I mean, we are preprogrammed to seek out easy calories.

    Gotta get dat,
    Gotta get dat,
    Gotta get dat,


  8. I knew a Priest from Germany who was assigned to a Church in Michigan and eventually moved back to Germany because, in his words, "I can't eat in this country".

  9. Yes. Talk about this. Lots of us know this no days, but still refuse to believe vaccines are bad. Oh i didn't say they dont work,i believe they work, what are you trading a life long affliction of autoimmune diseases and allergies

  10. They want to make us dumb. Your food is poison for eugenics your mind is dumb down so they can control you.

  11. Bro Bananas are Genetically Modified…. all of them across the world are… there prolly the most Modified….
    Bananas have seeds… but the ones we get from the store DONT…
    That bar code line was dumb as fk…

  12. Greed of the rich has gone psychotic. When SHTF, I'll bet a lot of very wealthy people will be evicted from their mansions by the common people.

  13. The rich will blame YOU for not making better food choices when….you have choice A.) cheap garbage, B.) cheap garbage, or C.) expensive organic health food. Yep. It IS our fault!

    True story. My garbage is a small grocery sack and i fill it half full about every 3 days. If you have little to no waste, you are probably eating right.

  14. I was in Malta in 2012. I had pizza there that was all natural ingredients, locally grown, absolutely delicious and cheaper …..THAN THE FUCKING GARBAGE PIZZA SOLD IN THE U.S.

  15. Politicians can put an end to it immediately…..but, because they do insider trading, own stocks in these corporations, and take lobbying kickbacks….it will NEVER change.

  16. Mexico by far has way better food options at the Mercado than any grocery store in the USA. Plus once in the US all you see is phat people 😅

  17. I've stopped eating most things at grocery stores, back to farm foods for me. But even shopping around the vegetable isles, you don't know if it's poisoned or not with glyphosate

  18. Were in the start of a mass depopulation of the world. Its already been said that is the plan.
    Good luck, folks

  19. Companies donate money to cancer or some other organization, then ask the public to donate, when the public is really just paying them back, then the company gets the tax write off

  20. I spent a little under 2 weeks in Japan a few years back and ate out at restaurants and fast food for every meal. And I still started losing weight without trying.

  21. That’s why you need to vote trump he going to get RFK on them! If they can’t ship it to Europe then they can’t sale it to us!

  22. Black Americans don’t eat junk food any more than any other American. Fast food is mostly a habit of being impoverished. It’s an economical thing, not a racial thing. Sus commentary there bro.

  23. Eat organic, grow crops using humate organic fertilizer. Detox daily to remove heavy metals from your body. Drink baking soda with water to increase your alkaline level to lower your risk of cancer.

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